
Wow. Just wow. Is this worse than the other oil spill in the 70 (or was it 80s?) yet?

@Thut: I was wondering the same thing. I'm willing to bet it was rendered @ NASA.

@Jordan White: Wow, I see you got hurt here and took it a bit personally.

@Unsub: Hey, I know all about konetic energy, and the term. I'll still always call it connect. So there.

man chuck's so effing pretty.

@NoBodysGamer: How dare you write something that isn't in line with some of the shitty writing here at this blog! Real men will play this game! *sarcasm*

@The Cap'n: you 'regret'? lol. drama queen. It's a fucking console, no more, no less.

@Better_red_than_dead: @Liz Lemmon: I'm a lurker here because I'm not a fan of how heavy this site and its commenters are on playing the victim card, but we have a woman here who was obese, and then skinny. It's safe to say she probably has always had an eating disorder. No matter how hurt or offended you gals are

@VincentGrey: wow, that's exactly what I used to say too! I was about to respond to you and type out something very similiar... being too stoned to fully grasp what you said, luckily I re-read!

blah, just better off HAVING no friends. ;)

@Mentuss: Well I'm 30, so I'm a pretty miserable angry troll myself.

@Eternal: I dunno - I didn't foam at the mouth for ANY of nintendo's games this year. the 3ds looks like nothing really new - I'm not sure I'll be able to justify getting a 5th DS. (I already have all the others. LOVE the XL the most.. and now I'll have to downgrade to merely view something in possibly-better

@Eternal: Are you kidding?! Nintendo's e3 conference was the worst ever. Ugh.

@Mentuss: welcome to ALL of e3. did you *watch* nintendo's conference!?!

I think he's hot. And I'm SUPER excited for the game.

@dajman311: 'copying' is a bit of a weak term though. Basically every product copies something else. You can't be a fanboy though - not one of these companies cares about YOU specifically. They only care about your $$. Picking one because you feel they're better is tacky. None are better. They all have their pros and

@Jimmy_Jazz: Either way, everyone will whine.

don't lie, don't buy. Stop being such victims.

bradley cooper is fucking DREAMY.