
@Koda89: RE5 with RE4 controls? for serious? Can you link me????????????

It sucks that gamers and our 'bloggers' fall so easily to internet-talk.

@hatmantc: that isn't just a new form.. and the PSP has just as many forms. (I own all forms of all systems though, btw.)

@hatmantc: I don't doubt a psp2 announcement - nintendo's about to reveal their 3ds, why WOULDN'T Nintendo's only 'competition' follow suit?

@Roy_Campbell(That guy from Metal Gear): All of a sudden? I've been gay all my life, so I really don't know what you're talking about. I've referred to it a lot here as well. My husband is also a gamer and comments on here lots. :) If you want proof, swing on by. I don't have a gag reflex.

@Roy_Campbell(That guy from Metal Gear): Phew! I was scared there for a minute - I hate having to fend off vagina. My husband would have an issue with that. @TheRevanchist: I'd need the alcohol actually.

I came here to read a bunch of whiny gamers complain about how she's not a geek.

@Leanid: Yah but regardless - SMG was 'pushing' the wii, and you can tell - because SMG2 looks the exact same. And there's a reason why most developers don't really just develope for the wii though - the money isn't there. (and I can tell you might go all nintendo-fanboy on me, but I own every nintendo console, and

@RockyRan: I have NO idea why NSMB for the wii gets all the good reviews that it does. The multiplayer sucks - I can NOT imagine kids playing it and not fighting. Hell I'm 30 and wanted to punch my significant other in the fucking head a bunch of times. And hell, though it was a remake of the DS game OBVIOUSSSSSSSSLY

this looks fun. I like dark harry stuff, instead of crappy hand-holding stuff. wonder if they made with the ps3 move in mind - I found re4 on the wii to have killer controls, I wouldn't mind this having the same controls too.

Do you know who my favourite is? Sackboy. He's any gender you want him to be. He says so much with no words. He's cute as a button that's cute. (not an ugly button!) And I always feel like he's trying really hard. I love that about him. Fuckin' lil' sackboy that could.

@Chester Coat Sleaves: What about MW2? I thought this was a discussion on FF. I could be wrong, but one game selling incredibly well has really nothing to do with another game also selling incredibly well.

I came here for the whiny gamers comments, and I wasn't disappointed.

@KupoCheer: That sounds pretty fun actually.

@Soulgenesis: I can see them doing that actually. I'd like that too.

fuck, there's nobody that can do anything remotely right outside in society according to almost all gaming bloggers.

Okay, even if he wasn't paid royalties, his life took a total shit turn somewhere. With Thundercats on his resume, and his inability to get some real work - did he just stop 'trying' in the 80s or something? Hell, my boyfriend's name is in the credit for some shit golf game, and THAT got him some work - and in this