
Because it's the Dane Cook of martial arts.

I like the new commercial for dos equis where the most interesting man in the world is asked what he thinks about "bromance" he replies, I have no idea what you are talking about.

I tried doing this with Paper Bag Princess but I think it infringed on too many hero genre copyrights.

I think Tyrell was more into testing the limits of his own creations (and also stroking his own ego in the process).

This will bake your noodle. If Tyrell knew Deckard was a replicant, he would have been working with the police to supply them with the bio-android. Also, if he knew Deckard was a replicant, and had him personally go to have Rachel voight-kampffed... then all Tyrell was doing was just fucking with 2 replicants who

A totally ridiculous film, but I really enjoy it - especially the songs!

Aww . . . thats one of my guilty pleasures.

I was very anti-Tavi for the longest time. I thought she was almost too precocious and everyone was trying so hard to make her a thing, to make her into this little Anna Wintour in training, a tastemaker for the teenage set. But I've started to read her work and listen to her interviews (especially with Stephen

She was all "don't worry, I didn't let him see which apartment I was in!" and we're all "WHY THE HELL DOES HE KNOW WHAT STATE YOU'RE IN???"

Does the living room count? I mean that's where the consols live.

I assume the sex would be a little self-righteous but entirely free of objections.

The Doctor is the Doctor not because he would die to save everything; he's the Doctor because he would gladly die to save the life of one old man.

I will challenge to a duel at dawn to everyone who dares to badmouth Munchausen. Choose your weapon, sir.


Going to the other end of the musical spectrum, meet Blöödhag, an "edu-core" band who thinks you should read more. A kind of heavy, punk, speed-metal band from Seattle, they specialize in songs about science-fiction and fantasy writers and their stories, titled with the author's name. At their live shows, which are