
By “female spaces” do you mean the flimsy excuse that for some reason us bathroom codes are so lax that you have have a gap big enough for your hand between the bathroom stall door and the wall? Because regulate that gap down to a privacy protecting non-existence and you basically lose all arguments about “female

Mythbusters took a look at showering in a thunderstorm and found that a shower doesn’t actually conduct electricity at all, even if you stick a live cathode in the the stream. What they did find is that the pipes can absolutely conduct electricity into your bath and you could get a shock if you touched them and for

Sure, if you ignore the whole dread pirate roberts aspect and the fact that yondu kept quill mainly because he felt bad for him. There’s not really a good reason to keep t’challa, and he’d be crossing ego for no reason by randomly not delivering.

You have to admit, it was a pretty dumb episode, since it hinges on yondu treating t’challa completely differently and with a lot more respect than he treats peter.

I just want them to stop throwing in random characters and having them act completely different just because t’challa was star lord instead of peter quill.

The thor episode was awful from concept to execution, and it manages to put everyone in a worse light. On the plus side, The Dark World just got better by comparison

the lawyer knows that, but his job is to act like this isn’t a clear cut case

No thru hiker is going to rely on boiling to purify water, they’re going to have a very lightweight hand pump filter. Boiling is a last resort option and will only take care of bacteria/viruses/whatever, theres plenty of other crap in a random water source that will kill you.

Are there no side view mirrors on this car? what were they thinking? edit: looks like they went with the single driver’s side mirror

speed bumps can be poorly designed to accommodate car clearances, those can go rot in hell. 

2018 civic driver here with stock everything and my front bumper is scrapped to hell from poorly designed speed bumps and parking lots all over town.

I bottom out on shitty speed bumps in my standard-ass civic all the time. There are parking lots where I drive intentionally around them because I bottom out, this is a pretty normal thing to have a shitty speed bump that’s too tall and will scrape normal consumer cars.

Its almost like theres something taking up all his time and he’s too busy to comment on space tourism.

That wire is pretty much the reason why I have an elite 2 controller and not a first gen wolverine. using a wire wouldn’t be super painful on pc, but there’s no way I could use it in my living room.

it’s interesting, not important. At the end of the day, a decentralized currency is only important if you can, you know, use that currency. And for that to happen it needs to be stable (its not), it needs to be widely accepted (it’s not), and it needs to be secure (it’s not). Crypto is a great thought experiment on

We already have software licenses and “ownership”, all NFTs do is make that license part of the blockchain for no reason and allow creators to manufacture artificial scarcity of a resource you can by definition duplicate infinitely. NFTs have no value added, they aren’t backed by a legal contract, and they’re less

A 2020 study by the Indiana School of Law and Social Equality proposed using VR headsets to “provide a virtual environment in which the criminal is punished for the crime he or she commits,” with one example being subjecting an inmate with arachnophobia to a punishment where each day more spiders were added to a

Except it isn’t. It’s a step forward in making social media a thing of the past because no organization can reasonably be expected to police potentially millions of facebook comments from millions of users. Hell, I could set up an army of bots to hate tweet someone I don’t like and they’re liable under australian law

Not to mention I don’t want someone sticking me with whatever the fuck “Maderna” is, my nurse damn well better know how the medicine is spelled because if not she could give me anything. That would be a fatal flaw for a nurse.

I have been getting pretty good reception since I got vaccinated, it all makes sense now