
There are two big issues with streaming, one is that when people are broadcasting for 8 hours a day you come up with really weird shit to do just because anyone in a room for 8 hours talking to a camera will say and do some weird shit. The internet loves to jump on this weird shit and go nuts about it. Secondly, the

At that point you’re doing what uber does, trading the value of your car (depreciation based on wear and tear magnified by the fact that you won’t know that someone threw up in your tesla until it comes home) for money. And considering how long it takes to charge a tesla (and the fact that all the self driving

Reason number 209 why teslas look really cool on paper but owning one would be a nightmare.

The idea that monogamy is some kind of heteronormative conformity is all you need to know that this guy is a fucking idiot not worth listening to. If gay men were somehow not real gay men if they didn’t spend all their free time twirling  glow stick nipple tassels in a berlin leather club, no one would give a damn

Just a few more years and jeffery epstein will be trying to have sex with the case after flying it to his new york mansion.

He’s so obsessed with grown men crying, it’s pretty weird. “people at the highest level calling me up, almost crying”. Add that to all the miners and so fourth who burst into tears the second the president walks into their eye-line, its a really weird trend in how he talks about people.

I haven’t had too much caffeine, who said I’ve had too much caffeine, what is too much caffeine anyways? WHO TOLD YOU i’VE HAD TOO MUCH CAFFEINE?? I don’t have a problem, I can stop drinking coffee anytime I want, I just don’t want to right now. Now where is my five hour energy chaser, my hand has almost stopped

My family is basically a bundle of weird secrets, I can’t wait to 23 and me this wide open.

my stock civic has like 4 cm of ground clearance, I’d be shocked to see a trail I could make it down. I’ve scraped it driving down the road, never mind a trail.

I don’t understand, it has a complete frame and I can’t see through any door panels, why on earth would you buy this? There’s not even any bits replaced by random pieces of wood!

And she wasn’t the only one to buckle under the backlash

This is like when you ask frat bros why they haze the new kids. “We were hazed, now it’s our turn”. For some reason, humanity as a species can’t just fix an injustice, we also want to reap the benefits of that injustice for ourselves. Its shortsighted and idiotic on the level of “an eye for an eye leaves everyone

If you get a pardon, you have to explicitly admit guilt, and that could hurt a lot. especially if he’s forced to testify as to who exactly partook in his pedo-massage-parlor. And he’s probably still eligible to be charged on a state level for some of these crimes. a pardon would absolutely not protect him from that.

I just can’t keep up with what perfectly normal thing is now being used to signal that you’re a nazi, I’m just gonna stay home wearing neutral colors until this all blows over. Oh wait, they chose khakis as their national uniform. Fuck.

This is a pretty lacking article.

Its a little electric honda civic from the 80's/90's! I love it

They should have banned trump a long time ago. So what if he’s the president, he’s tweeting on his Personal account. Ban that one and make him use the official one.

yeah, the whole “it was a game” thing feels like the new defense now that the “oops, I ran over a speed bump that I know isn’t in a parking lot for my apartment” has fallen through. You don’t play chicken if you’re not prepared to actually crash into the other person, and playing chicken with a kid you can’t see over

I’ll always ask if I’m undecided or can’t tell if something would be good or not (mac and cheese is the biggest crapshoot I’ve ever seen. you can find everything from gourmet dishes worth their price to middling/poor restaurant creations to overpriced kraft. it’s important to ask if they’d recommend it). Plus, they

On the bright side, at least no one was defending this definition of sexual assault, seems like they’ve immediately passed a better law. And since they didn’t charge the guy before, can they charge him now? Also, I feel like you could have stretched the definition of forced touching of genitals to cover the forced