
I mean sure, but people travel to evil regimes all the time. It’s not like anyone is restricting travel to georgia or alabama.

I would like to formally thank the sacrifices made by great britain, finally taking piers morgan back.

How did you confuse this for austin? the person recording is sitting in a passenger seat on the left hand side and the plates don’t even look like american license plates.

Nah, that would be like one day where everyone decides to do blackface to get it out of their system for a year.

Ain’t no shame in that naruto game, we were all tiny nerds at one point or another.

Meth is a hell of a drug

lets be fair, the outside was probably a problem too, but more so because I doubt these incel types are actually taking care of their appearance. Weird how supermodels aren’t interested in guys with greasy hair and 4 chins.

The second he claimed that he had to micro-manage all of tesla’s financial decisions is the second everyone should have sold tesla stock. 

you’re right, this game is definitely worth $500 over the next seven months in $3 increments! I have no idea why I had a problem with freemium to begin with! 

They need someone to bar elon from the premises while they run the place like a normal car company for a bit. He insists on reinventing the wheel, we know how to mass produce cars, we’ve been doing it for years.

Honda does the opposite, the harder the civic, the less they let you pick a cvt. The 300 hp type r only comes with a manual.

I was on this idiot’s side when I saw that they were 6 inches because I have a car with 5 inches of ride height and that would scrape the hell out of it. I deal with this kind of speed bump regularly, there’s a shopping plaza near my home with speed bumps so high that the tops have been leveled off from cars scraping

It has a toilet and a bath, why would you think it wouldn’t? The floor plan is visible in the header image, the toilet is visible in a small room off what looks like the kitchen.

The timeline of events here is super confusing, did she taser the officer before or after saying she was pregnant? She tasered the officer, who drew his firearm, and then shot her on the ground? How did she get on the ground? how did she get the taser away from him? was she tased? The taser is the confusing part of

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy, I hope family feud dies in a fire.

Numerous countries, including Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, determined that loot boxes do not constitute gambling”

This is dumb, everyone knows that crackheads will steal most things that aren’t nailed down if your vehicle is unlocked and/or they didn’t cut themselves too badly when they broke your window with their face. (Some crackheads headbutt first, find out the door was unlocked the whole time second.)

Kevin needs to get out of that abusive house lol.

I dunno, I’m pretty sure she just murdered those cops. Screaming at someone is probable cause if you’re investigating a possible domestic abuse situation.

People like meat, but eating too much meat isn’t great for humans, factory farming is an ethical nightmare, and large scale meat production is an ecological disaster that makes automobile pollution look like a joke. Introducing something that looks like beef and tastes like beef, but has a smaller ecological impact