
If you look at her twitter, it totally reads like an adult is managing the account. Maybe she’s writing it on her own, but I doubt it just because her tweets are better written than most adults. Hopefully she’s writing it with parental oversight, which is what I would do if my daughter was trying to run a social

I’m running as far away as possible from any car David Tracy even expresses an interest in.

Does this make katy perry seem incredibly vapid to anyone else? Like she gets up, takes instagrams of her dog and fishy faces while someone else manages her entire life, then she slowly turns into a videogame character without the presence of mind to maybe call for help or freakout, just a stunned look of

Couldn’t be, that jeep looks like it was made out of metal, not swiss cheese and wood.

Clearly you’ve never seen an italian woman’s kitchen lol.

The technical term gateway is not just a marketing brand, it’s a technical term. Wifi is not just a communications term, it’s a colloquial term equivalent to “wifi network”. you can’t have it both ways. And I’m officially over this inanity.

It’s like how “Make america great again” is thinly coded racism for “make america less diverse”. literally the only thing we could roll back to make america great is pollution and that’s the one thing president clean coal doesn’t give a shit about. If anything we need far fewer WASPs, they seem content to nuke the

ah-hah! critical error just made on your part!

I can’t tell if I like you a lot or find you wildly irritating. A wireless access point without a router behind it isn’t anything but a radio, by definition. The network part of wifi is controlled by the router. A wireless access point needs something to access. 99% of consumer grade network setups will not have

Wifi obviously originates from the router

Women aren’t excluded from that. People fuck up and do things they shouldn’t, especially if they’ve been drinking or are otherwise in an altered mental state. The problem is that it’s hard to separate the fuck ups (like probably aziz ansari) from the people who turn it into a pattern of behavior (Spacy, weinstein).

I had a segascope 3d that we got used and worked with the genesis through I believe an adapter for master system cartridges. It was pretty freaking cool tbh. Probably not something that you wanted to use for very long though. It was totally tech before it’s time.

everything about this is fucking infuriating and I didn’t even know about any of it until just now. What the actual fuck is going on with this country??

Ohio is the south in the same way that southern florida is technically part of New Jersey.

No one is saying that the 3.5 jack is immortal, just that the design paradigm is fantastic. you get two ports on some phones, currently each one is more or less dedicated to the two most important functions - personal audio and charging. Now one of those ports is more universal, and theres a fair number of uses beyond

my mom has it, I imagine that “gluten allergy tested by a doctor” was celiac. Or possibly a wheat allergy that someone was confusing with gluten. While it’s true that “gluten allergies” aren’t a thing, and that “gluten intolerance” isn’t a thing, “wheat allergies” are and celiac is triggered by gluten, so “doctor says

Celiac is an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten, and for the layperson calling it an “allergy” is close enough.

Large cow visible at center-left of image.

I really hate the whole “we can drop a fully cgi character into a traditionally animated anime and no one will notice” thing almost as much as the “our main character is a guy in a full suit of armor with no face and zero body language during this wildly impassioned speech”.

I mean, I spend all kinds of time rewatching old top gear episodes, I’m not complaining about new content.