
Having owned a pair of Jabra Elite 65ts, I would recommend against buying these. about two days into wireless bliss, I noticed that the left ear bud was significantly quieter than the right. A quick google search confirmed that this was a pretty well known issue with the ear buds and affects pretty much all of them. I

Having owned a pair of Jabra Elite 65ts, I would recommend against buying these. about two days into wireless bliss,

It really does sound like the mentality of an abuser, like obviously knowing about recovery times is important, but other than the boldness of asking about sex next to your s/o mother, its phrased from his point of view, “when can I have sex with her again” (answer: whenever she decides she wants to sleep with you,

Fun fact, the incels were started as a support group by a woman to basically try to work out what everyone was doing wrong and then morphed into a weird hate group that decided it would be easier to blame their sexlessness on someone else - namely the people they were trying to sleep with.

Well, that was fucking dark. Are you doing alright? I mean, who is doing alright these days, but is anything especially wrong?

She could have listed “The United States of America” in there, the new deal was responsible for lifting us out of the great depression (Along with wwII) and was purely a socialist agenda.

lol wat.

eh. Cows do contribute a fair amount to greenhouse gases, but I wouldn’t pin that on the consumers.

A) that’s not the show you pitched, which was a sort of ugly betty esque feel-good. Being overweight doesn’t make you a boring person, but making a tv show about being overweight and happy is pretty boring and irrelevant to the discussion.

Time is not a linear construct!

I’m gonna be honest, that show sounds not only extremely boring, it also sounds detrimental to the idea that you should be promoting healthy eating and exercise habits. How about we compromise, rewrite this show about someone who gets healthy through diet and exercise and comes back to torture the people who

There are some things that are best made simply. Burgers are one of them. You can add eggs, duckfat, and whatever else you like, but there’s a reason why people keep buying big macs. Burgers don’t need complication, they just need a bun, an bit of beef, and a few toppings to shine. 

I disagree with everything you said, I just think that they never had a good enough vision, or any idea how to make that gameplay compelling. Minecraft is a procedurally built world with base building and crafting and people love the exploration aspects of it. I’ve played no mans sky, or tried to at least, and I had

Their handheld massager is great for target therapy [...] and its seven different settings make it ideal for shoulders, necks, feet... anywhere really.

Their handheld massager is great for target therapy [...] and its seven different settings make it ideal for

I love how they try to fight back. “We gave those kids back! You can’t still be mad at us for that!” It completely ignores the fact that while the order to return kids has gone out, it hasn’t actually been accomplished, and it absolves ice and company from any actual responsibility for the atrocities.

Joe Walsh is the real hero. He got to the “and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars” without realizing that he was talking complete insanity.

I mean, if a strange man comes into your office with cameras and says “lets give guns to 3 year olds to protect ourselves”, you don’t have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to think that you totally shouldn’t do that. I think even forest gump could field that question correctly.

The comment is a bit extreme and follows the logic that if you enable someone to do evil, you are every bit as responsible for the evil. After WWII, the justification of a lot of Germans was “I had orders” and the American’s response at the time was “you followed those orders”, or at least “you didn’t rise up and kill

I can’t even comprehend how someone with a medical degree can agree to give drugs to a kid they have no hope of properly diagnosing. “This kid is either exhibiting violent outbursts and fits of rage because he’s a sociopath or because you took away his parents and threw him in jail, and I can’t be sure, but it’s

The scarier thing is that he never stopped campaigning.

I should buy that just because I have $40.

I should buy that just because I have $40.