
Okay, now I know youre trolling me. Ronald Reagan? Really? The father of the trickle down economics that have fucked this country and the one president who has been confirmed to have actually been mentally deficient in office? Clearly a troll. Honestly, I don’t have an argument for you because I recognize a brick wall

I’m willing to bet you’re a flat earther as well. don’t believe what the government tells you, if you go to Antarctica you can see off the edge of the world. We’re coming up on the best time to go to Antarctica, I wish you luck in your journey, make sure you travel to the “center” (ha!) and bring back proof!

Oh my god, you’re right. If banking regulations had never been repealed to enable the sub-prime mortgage market in 2008, the customers wouldn’t have been able to dictate which bank foreclosed on them! Except that’s not what happened, regulations apply to the entire industry, and, aside from government contracts, there

Problem is that a new lawyer or law firm will take months to get up to speed (if for no other reason than they can bill more), which is unfair to our great country

Zaphod’s just some guy, you know?

I’m starting to think that trump doesn’t understand the fundamental difference between a hooker/call girl/prostitute/whatever and a person who works in the adult industry. This is like the third story where trump sleeps with a woman in the adult industry and tries to pay her after.

Counter-counter point. Your junk may seem clean, you haven’t been putting it anywhere and it certainly hasn’t been walking around touching everything, but your forgetting one thing: your junk lives in a cotton sack with your anus, which is a filthy animal. your pants/underwear/whatever is going to help bacteria from

You know, Portland seems a lot more fun when it’s being portrayed by an ethnically ambiguous man in a dress (Did you know that Fred Armisen is a quarter Korean?). Turns out that all those hipsters waiting in line for 5 hours to get a seat at the hot new diner are raging racists.

Luckily my wife just changed her lock screen from a photo of me to a photo of a baby we like

Drip coffee is almost as terrible as keurig coffee. like maybe not the devil itself, but definitely like a skeevy used car salesman. French pressed coffee and pour overs (good on you puerto rico) should always be preferred.

lol “attacking her for her faith”, that’s the opposite of what he did. He called her out for being a shit christian and not following the teachings of christ that most conservative “christians” ignore.

Can I be an honorary irish? Not because of drinking or a holiday where people in america wear green and binge-drink, but because of the potato dishes. Clearly these are my people.

built using so-called Accelerated Bridge Construction Methods that were designed by the university’s Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center

More usually he flies off the handle because something happened and he’s upset about it.

swordfish with Hugh Jackman

The real problem with anime is that you have to explain something like a show about 13 year old girls who fly though the air pretending to be fighter planes and never wear pants like 3 or 4 times a season. This season’s greatest offender is darling in the franxx, which is just a show about teenage sex with some

The answers to your questions are “yes” and “frankly, if your washing machine can’t tackle that problem, you really shouldn’t be using cloth wipes for your butt”. And also, its still gross.

My mom used cloth diapers when I was a baby, it still grosses me out. It was the nineties mom, huggies were a thing!

This makes me think of the top gear africa “search for the river nile” special so much, I need that in my life.

Lets say all this is true (maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, I’m not trying to argue that point), but that’s definitely not what Delta is saying about why you shouldn’t unionize. Theyre basically being cartoonish rich people trying to be one of the people while painting the union leaders (who, incidentally are one of the