
Every time there’s a major incident sales for guns and ammunition skyrocket because people assume that the government will stop being controlled by the gun lobby and actually legislate something that means that guns and/or ammo gets taken away. School shootings are massively profitable events unfortunately, and the

This is stupid, 90% of the time you’ve got hours and hours between “oh, I think I’m going into labor” and “its too late to get to the hospital!”. Just call you doctor and listen to their advice of when to head to the hospital and everything should be totally fine.

I’m pretty sure there were in game hair dyes, someone pointed out that liz dyes her hair in-game. The main point is that after the mirror, everyone is supposed to look exactly like they do on the outside.

Nah, the whole point of the mirror was to make yourself look like your actual self, that includes hair color. When we go to the real color, asuna still has her light brown hair for example. I think there’s a definite middle ground between “white-washing” an anime that take excessive liberties with diversity and going

well, I think that the ring is made up of 7 presumably less ugly rings (although some of them look like they have really weird shapes on their own)

I mean, he’s photobombing a wedding picture by flipping the bird, he’s clearly not an attendee. Doesn’t mean he’s not flipping the bird.

... It sort of looks like it’s the middle finger to me too. See how it has kind of an angle to it in relation to the fist? most people can point straight out from a clenched fist with their index, but the middle finger kind of gets dragged down by the pointer and ring finger. Seeing as this is a lesbian wedding, it


Only if by “abstinence starts at home” you mean chaining your kids to their beds until they’re 29, then sure. Otherwise your kids are going to make their own decisions regardless of what you say (and sometimes in spite of), and if you don’t teach them about safe practices they won’t know.

Wait, the federal government just funded abstinence only education? how is that not bigger news? Might as well gather a bunch of money in a pile and light it on fire, because that shit doesn’t work. Yea, we get it, you don’t want kids having sex, no one really wants kids having sex (aside from roy moore), but kids are

That’s just silly, I’ve taken to eating exclusively octopus so I can gain their power! It’s working out alright, I’ve almost worked out how to open the pickle jar and I’ve twice managed to blend so thoroughly into the couch that someone else came into the living room and shut off the tv.

This doesn’t tell us anything other than people feel like they waste their time doing things they enjoy.

Official slogan: Same rampant racism, now with more north.


If you only associate with people you grew up with, then you’re absolutely right, but having a lifelong friend is not detrimental. Especially if you branch out like the mythical guys (I’m pretty sure they’re from south carolina and now live in southern cali).

I have an irrational hatred of anyone who can point to someone else in the room and say “well, we’ve known each other since the 1st grade”. I mean, there are people I’ve known since the first grade, but I’m generally not hanging out with them every day.

oh boy, spelling errors abound in that post. “it would be a way better show if all...”

The fanservice in kill la kill is entirely satire, it doesn’t take itself seriously and it’s heroine calls it out immediately as something bizarre until the show nearly breaks the fourth wall to explain it. In Franxx, the sex is literally the text (there’s no metaphors here), they make a point of reminding you that

I feel like this would be a little less preachy and more interesting if the spokeswoman was more relatable somehow. Like maybe if she had, I don’t know, mustard on her face or something? 2 meow-meow beans.

Okay, where can I watch all the episodes of the Gummi bears? This was like the defining cartoon of my childhood and I only ever watched it on bootleg vhs tapes my dad got from somewhere.