
I wonder if that warning still pops up if you add a stop through a surge area after starting your ride.

What they should really do is leave the rental limit at 30 days and limit it to # of views (A view counting as anything over 70% which gets restarted, to prevent people trying to scam the system). The number of views is pretty irrelevant, so you could be generous and leave it at 5 or so because its not like anyone is

That time is now, I just bought a 55in curved 4k tv for $380 shipped new from walmart. the deals are out there. you could definitely get at new tv for $150

Whatever he says, wonder woman is still the best dc movie so far.

Think twice before making the characters your avatar and screenname, or comparing absolutely everything to this one piece of culture.

When I was pregnant, a friend with a daughter even said, “I hope you have a boy so they can get married!

I’ve seen several people who idolize rick on the subreddit without realizing that rick doesn’t idolize himself. He’s tried to commit suicide several times, not counting the times he gets blackout drunk and tries to blow up the planet with him still on it. He’s constantly trying to sacrifice himself for morty, and he

People have been perfectly functional parents at 20 for literally all of human history, plus she’s got enough money to pay someone to be a decent parent even if she’s personally incapable. 20 is a totally reasonable age to have a kid, she’s financially stable, and has a solid career ahead of her. The only thing

there are other forms of protection. Proactively giving your teenage daughter hormone-based birth control could lower teen pregnancy without doing a damned thing about std levels.

I personally blame magic johnson, who’s been hiv-positive for the better part of three decades without any apparent ill-effects.

To be honest, no they didn’t. They watched a screening of “Philadelphia” in health, listened to a gym teacher tell them that you’ve always got to wear a condom, and then grew up in a world where aids is just an off-color joke. No one really dies from aids any more, its fairly manageable all things considered and the

Well, I just bought a no-name 4k tv. That’s a decision that’s never bitten anyone in the ass.....

Well, I just bought a no-name 4k tv. That’s a decision that’s never bitten anyone in the ass.....

I’ve been watching a lot of mission impossible lately, so I think I’ll just heist one from apple hq while dangling from the ceiling on a pully system.

Well, some bot is going to get a lot of really tickets to italy..... Online queuing doesn’t work, its too easy to break with scripting.

Alt-righters are particularly fond of the way the banner trolls liberals who recognize its origins.

There is such a thing as not jumping to conclusions before you have all the facts, he wasn’t there, all his knowledge is second hand. And everyone is going to see a black kid who was hanging from a rope and think racism, but it could have been anything; kids are stupid. My brother used to tie himself to chairs so he

Holy zombie thread batman! I wrote this post back in 2008 and targeted to windows xp, your articles are about an os that was released almost 15 years later.

hey, don’t ruin /u/shittymorph for all the baby redditors!

Be sure to make lots of “the narwhal bacons at midnight” jokes so that people think you’ve been on reddit for a long time and know what’s up.