
In this house, I am part IT troubleshooter, cafeteria worker, and dog walker in addition to my normal work-from-home job.

I have two kids (3rd grade and 7th grade) and I’m divorced so when the kids are with me, I am the only adult. I can’t afford to hire a tutor or anyone to help out. I received special permission to work from home during the first three days of the week when I have them because someone needs to be around to help them

I feel like there is something between ‘renting is throwing money away,’ and ‘your home is not an investment.’

If LAPD finds the shooter and instead of jail time gives him 2 weeks paid suspension, then I’ll be as upset about this attack as I am about all the other shit. 

While we are at it, can we limit all basketball player heights to 6ft 2 inches. It’s just not fair that some people are taller than that. This would level the playing field considerably.

Hahahahaha I always love a predictable “people are offended by ‘Merry Christmas’” comparison.

That’s a brilliantly compassionate idea.

replying to the grey...

Color me crazy, but I feel like there are some key points missing in this article...like words/links that have disappeared.

Hi Feelin! A few handy links, since I dug into the science for you:

I don’t honestly know either, I’m neither a doctor nor a lawyer. My guess is that if it’s something blatantly negligent then 1) the legal settlement will be that much higher (and possibly be above what the insurance covers) and 2) the hospital and insurance company may both drop the doctor afterwards as to avoid

It’s interesting that you should mention doctors - yeah, obviously if they do something like that, they will be sued into oblivion. But they also have malpractice insurance, so that if they mess up (intentionally or otherwise) the insurance company can pay off the lawsuit. Of course, as with all insurance, whenever

Just heads up but it’s just the battery, have to buy the solar panel separately (for $300).

Just heads up but it’s just the battery, have to buy the solar panel separately (for $300).

Just wait until early next week when he announces plans for the Trump TransAtlantic wall (which Atlantis will pay for).

“We have to pay for this fraud settlement” isn’t really going to fly with the public utility commission when they ask for a rate hike. 

Good article, but I have to nitpick about what’s depicted in the lead photo. Those big cylindrical things both on and off the circuit board are capacitors, not batteries.


Seriously, isn’t this one of the reasons why we have the Action Center in Win 10? They have a system built in to inform us about the issue and ask us how we want to deal with it. Use it Microsoft instead of taking the choice away from us.