
"The government keeps trying to pass regulations on things that are either impossible or so hard to enforce that they spend millions chasing their own tails and never really are able to tackle the root cause of the issue."

Also, there are people that all of us (even most gun nuts) agree should not have guns... felons, crazy people, etc. Even if the existing laws don't work completely there is something we get out of it... some felons and some nuts are prevented from acquiring weapons. This would undermine all of that. And you only need

Guns allow for distance, they're powerful, they are enormously destructive, they're fast. I can quickly take one shot at someone's head and assure they are dead much faster and far more safely with a knife and try to fatally stab them. We can come up with circumstances where guns are more dangerous, and we can think

The other problem is that it would be hysterically easy for criminals to remove said stamp. Also, firing pins are relatively easy to make. IIRC, the Sten gun (possibly one of its piers) used a penny nail.

The following is MY OPINION, not the TRUTH (that should be obvious, but just in case...), so I'm open to civilized retorts and conter-arguments:

I'm afraid you might be right, Ender2003, but I hope you're not. I completely agree that open source design is just like anything else—open to abuse—but I guess I still think drawing the boundaries of what we think is right and wrong is worthwhile. But is it, if we can't enforce those boundaries? That's where things

I don't disagree with you, but creating laws and strict restrictions does have an effect on the culture of those who live in a country with said laws and restrictions.

Basically this regulation would end up just like the "war on drugs". It would inevitably drive people to do irrational things they wouldn't normally do just because they were told not to.

Much the same with the gun-control laws regarding traditional mass produced firearms. There is always a black-market (shootings with illegal guns still happen in countries where private firearm ownership is incredibly restricted or completely illegal). The laws only have an impact on those who willingly follow them or

This will be impossible to regulate. You can pass laws to hold people who get caught accountable, but in the end this still puts un-traceable guns on the street.

No matter the laws and the built-in controls, some people will use tools for evil.

If anyone could download and print a WMD — say a global-level WMD — should it be regulated? The obvious answer is yes.

He actually kinda reminds me of Willem Dafoe here.

It's more or less Willem Dafoe's face, which was unfortunately hidden under a mask in his movie.

I have to turn voice volume down significantly so that I don't get worked up over how terrible Cydaea's and Diablo's voices are down combined with how ridiculous their dialogue is. Claudia Black is normally great, but her role in this sounds like a pseudo-seductive Dr. Seuss wannabe. Diablo sounds like a six year old

"Ok, let's work on your execu-speak. I'm worried about blank".

This is the single greatest gif I've seen so far this year.