
great, so now we will be seeing more news reports of WalMart greeters getting beaten up for refusing to let anti-vaxxers into the store. Which means a lot of stores will let people in anyway, just like with the anti-maskers, and nothing will get better.

I keep seeing posts from people associated with a certain political party talking about how people who are easily offended are easily manipulated, then they proceed to get offended when asked to wear a mask, or accept election results, or have their hypocrisy pointed out, or... The self owns are getting funny to me

Question - but what type of “enforcement” are they attaching to this? I have not seen it in any articles, but if someone enters a business without their vax proof, is the person going to get a ticket or is the business going to get hit with a fine for allowing them in? Will the person be offered directions to the

Obviously he’s being silenced by MSM and The Administration to prevent him from sharing The Truth (patent pending) about the Big Lie. I mean, don’t you believe that he truly had incontrovertible proof, 8+ months later, that no one else had shared before now? These lawsuits just prove that the Lizard people have gotten

from the article:
What’s tough is that any ground gained by employees with these wage increases won’t go as far as you’d think. Since prices on necessities like gas, cars, and groceries have increased across the board”

Remember, if you live in Texas do your damnedest to not get COVID... the sketchy power grid might not be able to keep your ventilator running.

your concerts can have opening acts by “Banned By Twitter” and “Nextdoor Nazis”.

Aside from the Catholic-like restrictions against vaccines that *might* have been developed using stem cells, and possible non-kosher ingredient restrictions, I have yet to see any valid *religious exemption* against vaccination. Merely claiming that since God didn’t make it so it’s against your religion to get the

my coworker went on a rant recently about “why can the government TELL us that we HAVE to put something into our bodies”, I pointed out that when I was a kid my parents were “forced” to take me to the Dr to get vaccinations for all kinds of things before I was even allowed to set foot into public school... he trailed

it’s only a handout when it is given to someone else... Making them accountable for their own actions is obviously Communism or something and can’t be allowed.

sorry, “love thy neighbor” only applies when the neighbor in question looks, acts, and believes like me...

Ah, but Jesus DID say “don’t be a douche”, so they need to shut up and behave like a good Christian...

Yeah, my dad tried that argument a while back and I had to remind him that when HE spent a couple semesters in college back in late 70's early 80's at only $300 a semester, his $5 an hour job went a LOT further. Plus the fact that the first house he bought (in 1982) cost less than a car does these days. Still didn’t

It’s hilarious to me, the same people who claim COVID only has a .01% mortality rate are the ones who claim the vaccine is dangerous because of (again incorrect numbers) 4000 deaths out of over 150million vaccinations (0.0026%)... If they use the actual numbers for the vaccine (600 deaths) then the number is order of

It’s a good thing for now, but unless the minimum wage gets raised to match the new level the pay will start to slide back down soon. Businesses will always find a way to pay the legal minimum somehow...

Agreed. The menu prices aren’t magically going to triple if wages increase (no matter how much scaremongering people do) and if a business relies on paying workers next to nothing in order to get by then they really need to re-evaluate their business plans.

it always cracks me up when people point to the $7.25 minimum wage and say it’s intended for high-school age kids to earn, not for adults to try to survive or raise a family on... while they go to fast food places during lunch, shop at WalMart during a quick work break, and go see a matinee movie in the middle of

Wow, I didn’t realize that stuff like public libraries, fire departments, public roads, education, etc were ruled with an iron fist... It’s almost like the US is awash with social programs/institutions that work fairly well (or would work a little better with more funding) but we seem to labor under the delusion that

permanently damaged heart and lung tissue is a small price to pay for “natural immunity”...