
the fact that prosecutors can offer immunity and then people can just straight up confess their crimes with no consequences is absolutely disgusting. Plus the other 60 (I think) women who came forward and either testified at the hearing or added their stories later... I know he was not being charged directly for those

I tried to play this during the Alpha... The graphics and story were so-so but to me the interface was too random and clunky.

Blame it on solar and wind...

“Why didn’t you stop?” Dunn questioned.

that last sentence though... Whether the virus was made in a lab or created by nature, multiple governments around the world completely and utterly failed to take it seriously and their poorest citizens paid the bulk of the price.

At this point what does it freaking matter if the virus really did escape from a lab? We

regardless of what the report shows in the next 90 days, there will always be those who ignore scientific facts and evidence who will claim that the virus was bioengineered by (insert group or nefarious person here) in order to justify their current round of propaganda.

A year and a half of investigations have not

or if some clothes were marketed with a feature of “Bulletproof” and sold under the guise of protecting you and your children from an active shooter situation, but they were made of a standard polyester/cotton blend...

there’s a little bit of a difference between confusing an Apple computer with actual fruit versus marketing a feature as “Autopilot” and claiming they are right around the corner from “Full Self Driving” when the feature does NOT automagically drive the car - ESPECIALLY after we see article after article of drivers

I generally don’t get a flu shot every year (once in the last decade) - mostly because I was not often exposed to it due to working from home and on the rare occasions I get the flu it’s fairly minor. However, I’m scheduled for my 2nd Moderna shot this week so I can be more protected since COVID is NOT like having the

speaking as a guy who works in tech... there is enough data out there that the vaccines are safe to convince most people. Unless he has an allergy to something in the specific shots, then I don’t see much point in the “wait and see” plan. We’ve had hundreds of millions of doses administered, with *generally* only mild

they also went from “those whiny liberals and their ‘safe spaces’ are weak” to “waaah, those mean liberals can’t be allowed to tell me I’m wrong in my own state!”

this goes hand in hand with the recent Texas bill to prevent racism from being discussed in schools - the political party who calls everyone else “Snowflake” and cries about “safe spaces” for those with hurt feelings are making entire states “safe spaces” for their snowflake feelings about being told they are wrong...

right, but sometimes the one-star reviews that aren’t about the product can still be very revealing. For example, I recently left a 1 star review for a product that my wife and I never received. Shipping info had correct address but it was delivered to an entirely different city 30+ miles away, and when we contacted

This is shocking... right up there with politicians taking bribes and rich people buying their kids spots in elite colleges.

I mean, didn’t everyone already know that companies did this? I guess the “news” part is that someone from Amazon finally decided to enforce their TOS.

a little duct tape and it’ll be fine...

millions of cases of identity fraud? Even if the 3rd party companies were the ones submitting the comments they were obviously under the direction of those ISPs. The meager fines being slapped on the companies are not a deterrent to this kind of behavior at all, they will just charge their next customer a little more.

My wife’s second dose of Moderna had her laid up with the same side effects for the same 2 days. Luckily she got her shot on Friday morning so she only missed one day of work from it and was feeling better Sunday evening.

The airline mask requirement is no different that being asked to wear pants and a shirt before being allowed on the plane. Private businesses can have simple requirements like this PLUS it is still a federal requirement, which she as a SENATOR should be aware of.

She should have replied that she would give Charles Schwab the money back immediately in Spandoni credits or in cash/funds transfer sometime in the next 6-16 weeks... you know, just like any Credit Card company, bank, utility, store, airline, etc would offer someone who overpaid or was double billed. (for reference,

I would say they can go public, but a week into trading all exchanges should halt purchases of their stock for a few days, because reasons.