
Yes, let’s just hand Microsoft the keys to brick our systems at will. Having worked in IT for nearly half my life, I know that a majority of updates apply with no issues, but when you have to troubleshoot 500 PCs that got a flaky update it makes for a really bad day. Hopefully there will still be the option to control

If a solar flare can do that kind of damage on earth, what kind of damage might it do to critical systems on a spaceship or a colony somewhere? In my opinion, if solar flares are that big of a threat (interference, EMP style frying of systems, etc) then we need to be hardening and improving our infrastructure here

I would actually love for a 3rd party like this to actually make a bit showing during the election and get some votes. We really need to shake up the crap 2-party system that is horribly outdated and causing a lot of problems.

Would be hard to find a good lead actor for such a small child, I hate to say it but 10 years ago they could have used Haley Joel Osment, but I don’t know of anyone who could pull it off these days. As for the politics, I loved that part of it in the first few books.

The Dragon Prince/Dragon Star or Ambrai series by Melanie Rawn...
Or, The Dark Tower series, supposedly that is in the works but I am not sure I trust that.

how about doing more to educate both bike riders and drivers on the rules of the road? If car drivers knew that bikes were allowed to use normal lanes if no shoulder/bike lane are available, that might help. Or, get all drivers to stop distracted driving (bikes do it too), that will make everyone safer...

I also really enjoyed this fight scene, partly because no one stayed down after a single punch. Everyone involved kept getting up for more abuse, Daredevil just had a little bit more in him than the other guys.

I've seen a bunch of these links hit gaming forum sites, luckily most of the time the spambot posting the links isn't smart enough to post any kind of clickbait text to try and trick people. Almost like the spambots are giving up actually trying to get people to click the links and they just settle for pissing people

Let's see. We had the wedding at my uncle's house (huge, gorgeous yard with flowers everywhere), her cousin is a chef and prepared the food as his gift to us (we still had to buy the food), I bartered with the DJ and got free music in exchange for building him a website, and the list goes on.

Mandatory voting is not really that bad of an idea, but until the Electoral College is dissolved, I still feel that my individual vote doesn't count for a thing. I know it doesn't happen often, but when a candidate can lose the popular vote but still win the presidency, there is something wrong with the whole

This is always assuming that the spark plugs are in a location that a normal person can reach. In my 1999 Ford F-150, you have to take half of the engine out in order to get to some of the plugs and that means I will not be attempting this on my own.

I wonder if it prompts you for it if "Auto install updates" is selected?

Alonso and Brevoort also said that some of the books being published during Secret Wars will be laying the foundation for the next iteration of the Marvel Universe. Some of these have been announced, with a throwback X-Men book, a title with a married Peter Parker and a face-off between the Avengers and X-Men among

Does anyone else think that perhaps the NSA leaked this to give people a good feeling when they use those supposedly "safe" encryption methods?

Didn't Futurama do this already?

I used to enjoy DBZ when I was a kid, but I tried to rewatch some of it and got bored because a single fight would span over most of a season sometimes. Heck, there were entire episodes devoted to Goku trying to gather enough energy for a Spirit Bomb, one single attack.

I know it was mentioned in the article (in the middle where some people might skip it), but doesn't this negate the purpose of having multiple copies? Cloud storage is not infallible, if you have truly irreplaceable files (old pictures, etc) then you need to have more than one copy. Preferably one of them should be on

Did anyone else suddenly think that RasPi's got upgraded and could be used in time machines? I think the coffee wore off a little early today.

Works well for a lot of fruit or nuts. I remember being sent up into a Pecan tree to shake branches when I was a kid.

So they cleaned up 1500 apps, and roughly 30 minutes later about 1499 of them were probably back on the market. Sorry, I feel that the apps need to be vetted before being allowed on the store or this will continue to happen. Cleaning them after the fact will be a game of Whack-a-Mole.