
Hmm, funny that the "multiple websites reported" included Gawker...

Haven't you read the news? Parents these days seem to be complete idiots since kids keep getting left in hot cars, finding guns or drugs that have been laying out, etc. I know too many people who have kids but basically ignore them. They get up in the morning, kiss their kid, then drop the kid at school and go to

Until I saw the end pics that show they can be flipped and stacked vertically, I was wondering about this. I think the reason most chairs are stacked vertically is because they take up so much less space that way. Not all of us have room for a row of chairs pushed together like shopping carts, but most people can

the baby floats would be dangerous to the kids through no fault of their own. For the rest, I agree with you.

For the male version of the Easy Bake Oven, I would like to remind everyone of the Creepy Crawlers. You would pour some liquid plastic substance into a metal mold, pop the mold into the "Creature Creator" oven and wait for 5-10 minutes (can't remember exactly how long). Then you would use a plastic fork to remove the

It's hard to tell, but I hope that wasn't a credit card that he used to "cut" into the cube...

So, shall we take bets on whether or not the "fix" will be to underclock the processor to reduce the temps? Really, the processors and other bits in those devices produce quite a bit of heat and with the sealed body there is no real ventilation for cooling. Big surprise that they get warm.

This could really go either way. Ebooks are infinitely more environmentally friendly, no paper needed to print the book. This would be of biggest benefit for things like textbooks that are produced in huge quantities, are generally hundreds of pages, and are replaced every couple of years (what a ripoff). Heck, if

Just in time for the Ars article about Comcast killing a user's internet connection as he was trying to download Steam games. The CS rep said that it sounded like it was a virus and basically wouldn't help the customer...

I dunno, some chick named Baby Ruthie signed it

As stupid as the $640 toilet seats the government has been caught purchasing? I agree that the hammers are a bit expensive but our government has blown money on far worse...

I know that for them to achieve the gritty, noir feel for the movie the greenscreen is almost a requirement, but I hate full digital effects. Physical sets and props may cost a little bit more at the start, but they almost always look better on screen and save money in post. That said, Sin City is one of the few films

Now, how does this machine determine which seeds are from weeds and which are from the plants being harvested? Oh wait, probably partially funded by seed sellers like Monsanto that want to make sure farmers have to buy all new seed after every harvest and can't use seed from previous crops...

at least it was the sign and not a judge...

Did anyone else read the headline as "One in the air, two on the ground" and take it as a suggestion?

I will always prefer practical effects to digital. When the effects are 100% digital the actors have no reference point and the effect generally does not really look like it belongs in the scene. If you have a practical effect (makeup, prosthetic, prop) then it can be cleaned up a little digitally but still look like

I find it easier to just make a desktop shortcut to the power options, I can never remember the keyboard shortcuts.

dang, mine started to come back up. Maybe I should just pretend I didn't see that...

odd, just for kicks I tried to ping www.facebook.com and the IP address that came back is hosted in Ireland. I thought that they would have some US-based servers...

Amazing, I am getting so much more work done with FB down.

Oh wait, I don't spend that much time on FB anyway, nevermind...