Why is she wearing Nomex? They went 55 mph in a minivan.
Why is she wearing Nomex? They went 55 mph in a minivan.
In case you guys think people were playing on the giant screen, they were not. Those LED displays have between 2 and 5 seconds latency.
They were mirroring the image of their PC on the giant screen, not playing on it.
928's would fare well with good visibility at least, and they would finally be rear engined so all the purists can quit bitching.
A lot of street driving novices might try to justify swerving like a maniac all over the road in some sort of effort…
About the washer-dryer alignment - I can’t think of a place I’ve lived in where the washer-dryer was anything OTHER than dryer on the left, washer on the right. I rented a few places that had stackables, but the 3 houses I’ve lived in the longest all had dryer on the left, washer on the right.
Back in 1976, I used to beg my mom each morning to get me to school early, just so I could play an insane inner-city…
When buying a vehicle with more than a quarter of a million miles, you have to expect it’s going to need a lot of…
Congratulations, Mr. For Sweden, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Jaguar which this lovely lady will deliver after she wipes off her knee and hand prints.
Honda will stop production of the Accord for about two weeks this summer to “focus on aligning production to current…
For years I have been obsessed with the Toyota Cressida, the easily-forgotten straight six sedan that we got in…
Ug, flying cars. I’m so sick of them. They’re always two years away, they’re always stupid, and nobody is ever going…
If you want to travel far off the beaten path, you usually start with a big truck. Not so for Neil Markwardt, who’s…
Officer David Clark? Puhleeze. I know Montgomery Scott when I see him.
The Accord is the right answer. Its already “Jesus Approved”!
The bus is actually automatic and the shifter is mounted to a box that’s not connected to anything.
I don’t know much about this video, except that it appears to have been shot on a bus recently outside of São Paulo,…
I think pubic hair may actually be the loser here. I was having a conversation with a male millennial coworker a while back and he let slip that he, and everyone he knows of, goes trimmed nowadays. Could just be anecdote, but I don’t know with these youths anymore.
The thing about these software tunes is always — if X more horsepower could be extracted from the car with just some software tweaks, then in a highly competitive market, why didn’t Honda do that in the first place?
In this week’s installment of “All The Craigslist Shitboxes Readers Have Been Tempting Me With Lately,” we begin by…
Or any 17 yo, as if you ask most women they will surely tell you many a tale about gross middle-aged men saying and doing disgusting shit to them well before age 17. I was 14 the first time some strange man groped my ass and I most certainly did not look “older.” I am only 5'1" and still don’t weigh over 100 lbs, so…