It’s sad that this car is actually priced correctly for the (current) market. I’m still going ND.
Physically looks good, mileage not bad.
California truck.
Automatic Transmission = ND
Am I the only one to wonder how a drone just happened to be recording this?
Can you explain what a “chain lighting gasper” is?
Being a CA car (and having the piece of carpet on it), the dash is obviously cracked, but otherwise a cool car. Otherwise looks good, so NP.
Sweet deal of a car IMO.
Check out that 50/50 weight ratio. Surprising for a boat like this (as if it mattered).
Every time I see Jason, all I can think of is the crazy eyes of Carl Withner. This is what Jason will look like in 30 years (if he had more hair). Note: Carl Withner is a big time old school orchid botanist...
Figures, it’s from the Seattle area. The only place you’re gonna find old 80's cars/trucks in this kind of shape. That interior is sooo pristine.
I got a similar deal a few years ago. 1998 XLE in Cashmere Beige metallic and interior that covers the whole gamut of the beige spectrum, so it’s the real deal beige mobile.
Good project car. NP
If it was brown it would be NP
Can confirm. My kid had a 2002ish Hyundai with a clogged vent pipe. It was the worst to try to get a full tank of gas in that thing, as it would only take a trickle...
Yeah, I don’t know about that claimed 30K miles. The outside looks 30K, inside looks more like 130K.
I have a 98 XLE with 256K miles. No fluid leaks of any kind ever. I have replaced the steering rack and struts all around, but that is it. You should be good for another 200K miles on yours...