
You could actually get level 2k, but you would have had to predict almost the entire competition correctly or get an extremely rare item, I’d say 99.95% of those who got the rosh did so from spending.

We are just joking around :) just a normal commercial for children’s clothing or whatever :)

Pretty sure that add is tailored for you based on your internet habits

In my opinion it owes its popularity mostly to a lot of streamers picking up the game on release.

Yeah, I don’t think a lot of people liked that feature, especially people that came to love the series from Origins. I guess that goes for inquisition as a whole though, didn’t feel like a Dragon Age game to me.

Sounds... really good! a worthy successor.

You gotta charge up the shield and the weapon ^^ else you do a LOOOT less damage. Triangle +Triangle/circle + Triangle/circle + right trigger to charge shield when you have 5 phials, and then right trigger + circle to charge weapon :). Really cool use of the blind flies btw :)

Guy writes a detailed account of why he did not like The Last Jedi, and that’s the most up-voted response, really?

Greg would be proud.

Why do you post this weird 1k views video on every article even remotely related to OP.

Hunter x Hunter alone has sold almost twice as many copies globally. But ye they both rich, and both of them sounds like great people.

Kicking some serious Ass, think that’s the most viewers a person has ever had on Twitch. He really goes all in on this shit, really good at hyping etc.

Every single arc (-Foxy)is relevant to the story, foreshadowing and setups span hundreds of chapters. This guy is literary complaining about one of OP’s biggest strengths lol.

I have that, except with Wailord.

Last Jedi small spoiler:

Salem, Kuroky.

Or keep it and play the exclusives when you are feeling nostalgic.

Ye it was pretty good, also, my pic did indeed suck ^^.

Forgot about “Sayori” which was the focal point of one of the Persona 5 arcs.

Not even a buddy, it’s so simple to just do it yourself, just Youtube some guide and do exactly what he does.