
Kai sweetheart, I wish I could adopt you and smoosh your adorable face. We would have such a good time.

Oh God. I did not need to know this 31 weeks in. I mean, I KNOW this, but I don't want to know this.

On CBC 1 this morning (from a fan who attended the show):
"They're just allegations! He hasn't been charged with anything! I'm just here for comedy!"

Keep fighting the good fight Stella.

That's pretty much me right now at 7 months, and I'm growing at a normal rate. I'm also much larger than she is originally. So to me she looks normal.

Roo, like many of us, has been here forever! Thanks trolls for essentially graying us all out. #missmystar #offtopic

I feel so icky having been a screaming tween boy band fan (luckily with parents sensible enough not to indulge in merchandise and us living too far away for concerts to be possible). I never heard of this band, and was a staunch BSB fan, but I feel like I contributed to this mess. Then again, we were all manipulated

I'm not American, have never lived in America, but this issue cuts deep for many of us outside of the states, especially those of us descended from slaves brought to the west.

Paging Katmelon

Nor my probably field slave ancestors. *eyeroll*

Sadly, this looks far less wooden than Fifty Shades.

I'm not sure Heidi realises how long it may take from buying that first ovulation kit to actually getting pregnant to actually bringing a baby to term. And also, why the fuck would you put that on instagram?

OMG POOPVOMITTOWEL. You gave me an asthma attack. Thank you. Thsnk you so much.

Try Jennifer Lawrence?

Laughing so hard I'm literally having an asthma attack


It's a fair cop

I'm 18 weeks and DEMANDING my seats. Which most fuckers do not want to give me, despite my bump being mere millimeters from their faces. But I get seats.

Waxing is painful as fuck for me, and he and I seem to have the same type of body hair. It depends on how your hair grows and your skin type. I did my bikini ONCE and it was the worst. Worse than my ectopic pregnancy.

I grew up in the Caribbean with the neighbours' chickens roaming my yard. They were amusing, and frequently assholes. Those chickens were raised for eggs and meat. I agree, factory farming practices suck. But chickens can be assholes, just like cats, or raccoons or any number of animals. It doesn't mean people don't