
Only Minority Report I'm watching is with Larry Willmore

This has got to be some sort of joke. Seriously. Seriously?

BTW... wasn't yelling at you, just at these ladies and their bullshit

Also, some women love OTHER WOMEN. I know right? Shocker.

This is actually a relief. This one guy... I couldn't even with the notifications that were popping up.

American Fruit cake sucks, English is aight, Black cake is Bess.

If I have my facts straight (and I might not) it's probably and English fruitcake as is traditional for English weddings (similar to Caribbean black cake). In that case, while I wouldn't eat it, you could preserve it for a number of years. My sister's christening cake was the top layer of my parents' wedding cake,

As I said, not Canadian. You guys can hash that out.

You're welcome to have your Starbucks! I don't want it. I can generally go without coffee anyway, Tims or otherwise.

I actually don't have much of an opinion on Tims, but as a broke college student it was certainly lifesaving!

The OQLF does.

Okay, I'm neither American nor Canadian, but having lived in Canada for 10 years, I'd say Canada kicks American ass, and fuck a Starbucks.

Well, now baby and I are just fucked.

GT has a monthly invite thread... look out for it (if you so desire).

Me too. Worked my way up to a star, then got lumped in the Gray's. Not even gonna bother this time, but GT and the Salad Bowl at least let me post!

His posts sound like far too many people on my Facebook feed who share posts like this with the hash tag #realtalk

Quebec sucks ass though. Ontario FTW. *patiently waiting on OHIP, one month to go...*

what he means is they didn't lynch anyone.

Deleted because jeez what a waste of energy arguing with this fool.

Canadians should check out the sex-positive and queer-positive sex ed program "Sense" from www.headandhands.ca, and DONATE to bring back sex ed to Quebec schools!