
A lot of Belgian restaurants in your neighborhood?

So what are your fave teriyaki and sushi spots? Btw, with you on the saba.

Well since I’ve seen about 3 people total since March, six people gathered in my home at the same time plus food and drink sounds like a bacchanal.

This really needs to be a regular feature: “Beautiful Vehicles for Butter”

Are the one Canadian who isn’t nice?

In other words, his regular Sunday after church thing.

I’ve never understood the Riches attraction to Encino, or Calabasas for that matter. I’m paying many millions for a place, I’m getting an ocean view.

And why is it that all the Karens dress that way? Is there a catalog of clothing for racial harassment? Forever Fugly? Whitey House Black Menace? Entitled Crew?

Halloween must be fun in your neighborhood.

And why is it that all the Karens dress that way? Is there a catalog of clothing for racial harassment? Forever Fugly? Whitey House? Entitled Crew?

I agree. We have much bigger issues to grapple with right now and the Democrats REALLY need to win this election. I do hope Anita Hill gets a key position (based on her qualifications, not as restitution) and a full, unequivocal apology from Biden, if only in private.

I understand your point. Let me say though that 1991 was different, but not the dark ages. There were plenty of people who thought that sexual harassment in the workplace was inevitable, but decent, intelligent people knew better. I was shocked and appalled watching the hearings and there was plenty of media commentary

I resemble that comment.

There is mandated sick pay for California employees who work more than 30 days in a year, so even part timers.

And Big Pharma always tell the truth *cough*.

Interesting. ADP wants you to track it? 

That’s more thoroughly thought out than, well.... any of Trump’s initiatives. I think the key would be ease of setting up a personal retirement account and understanding the benefit. Actually not that difficult to do currently, but an intimidating process for a lot of folks.

This seems totally unworkable. So they way I’m reading this employers will not have to withhold social security tax (6.2%) from paychecks, and don’t have to pay the employee portion to the IRS in 2020. But somehow it’s deferred. So it will have to be collected from the employees in 2021 or it becomes an employer

I like that idea. Retirement plans are costly and time consuming for very small businesses to administer. Are you thinking some kind of central fund?

Yeah, shocking, but $1060 IS a good deal for a studio in Kent. You did well to find it. There were studios in a historic building downtown Tacoma for $450 last year, same place is twice as much now. Where did you come across the cheap Auburn rentals........CL?