Flashbacks to the oral exam for my degree and flailing badly on the questions about Billy Budd. Ouch.
Flashbacks to the oral exam for my degree and flailing badly on the questions about Billy Budd. Ouch.
Yep, Vicky Christina Barcelona is also seriously hot. Threesome with Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz , and ScarJo yes please (although, I guess that would make it a foursome).
Well for starters, we know the two men who witnessed the assault and intervened were cycling not jogging.
Wow second paragraph is entirely gratutious (and I hate all the adult Trumps with a passion.)
In any case, your piece really deserves a wider audience. Would you consider submitting it as an op ed somewhere?
Tell it.
Well done. Enjoy!
Well, north of the airport anyway.
I agree and I would put in the Elite category: Seattle, Portland, the entire Bay Area, Tahoe, CA Coast from Sonoma County and south all the way to the border.
British TV has had a couple reality shows about communes. The first in 2000, Castaway in the Outer Hebrides islands in Scotland was riveting: beautiful but challenging location, multiple generations and backgrounds, not enough food, romances, feuds - like a trainwreck and an epic natural disaster combined.
Now I know what I’m having for lunch.
I had a guy tell me, out of nowhere: “I think you’re beautiful. I don’t care what anyone says.”
Scared to venture out of his comfort zone. I’d feel bad for him but he was also a huge a-hole.
I once went out with a guy (33, American, College Grad, lived with roommates.) Didn’t know how to do laundry because he always took it to his mom’s for her to do. Here’s the real dealbreaker: When I asked him what he did when he was travelling, he said he’d never been out of town for more than 2 days.
Envy. I’ve always wanted lovely small breasts. Instead I have more Dolly Partonesque proportions. Dated many guys who expected that once the bra came off they’d stand at attention like traffic cones. Getting that disappointed look was always fun (especially since none of them had a physique that turned heads)
I had a boyfriend (mid-30s) with a thick southern accent. Kept wondering if I could pull off giving him diction lessons as a gift. Was hanging in there until I heard him call his father Daddy. So not sexy.
Tell. Me. About. It.
When a drive thru order is going to take a long time they ask you to drive around and park and they bring the order out to you when it’s ready.