I get it sweetie, but you undermined your original comment by saying:
I get it sweetie, but you undermined your original comment by saying:
I get your point, but you don’t give CA enough credit. It’s the number #1 food producer in the country.
I dunno. I try to eat local and I’ve been amazed how many foods items are produced in WA. Aside from the obvious seafood, there’s beef, bison, wheat, amazing cheeses including sheep and goats’ milk, phenomenal cherries, pears and berries. And 71% of apples and 79% of hops produced in the US come from Washington.**
Yes it has a septic tank, but for goodness sake people, we have cabins
that are more rustic within Seattle city limits. It’s a modern house with internet and it comes with a boat!
I’d agree with that. Lots of older folks just scraping by in apartments, plenty of Millenials’ families living in those McMansions.
Care to expand on that?
Reportedly, Frogmore House did get solar panels in the recent renovation.
I was born in the last year of the boomer generation but have lived a GenX life. I’m no fan of the Steve Kings of the world. I would say their entitlement comes from their class and their gender not their era. Life for boomers was not so easy if you were female, working class, gay, disabled or a minority. Men were…
If we had a duly elected President, I’d respect her.
Like a normal person, I order online and have it delivered. Haven’t set foot in a store swarming with the unwashed masses since 1998.
You’ve met my mom and her husband I take it.
Since 1974
I’m pretty sure I went on a weekend road trip to Vegas with IRA terrorists on the lam.
No doubt. Bless you for being being exemplary caregivers and the best buddies a dog could have.
My story is very similar to yours, though it took me less time to have my fill of men. I still feel like I’m still a fully sexual person and thoroughly enjoy my solo sexual experiences. I’m also open to the idea that there may be another phase of my life when I will want to partner with a man or woman.
How is that finagling if they actually did live in AZ for the required length of time to establish residency?
You look great!
I wear swim leggings and a long sleeve swim tunic from Full Beauty and Swimsuits for All. No one gives a second glance.
I’m sorry to learn the reality of finding a therapist is much more difficult than I realized. Please forgive my misinformation and my comment that came across much harsher than intended.
Yeah, and I get that’s her signature hairstyle, but why that color and looking so dry?