
My high school posted updated lists of graduating Seniors we were supposed to check to make sure our name was included and correct for our diploma. I was graduating at the end of junior year so I had to repeatedly ask for my name to be added. My name finally appeared correctly. When I received my diploma, my name was

So true. I’m more realistically looking at Port Orchard to Gig Harbor for some reasonably priced water views.

Yes, I think it is on all of us. I’m Gen X, but not a parent. The Baby Boomers thought the ills of society would be solved once their generation was in charge of things. I think every generation thinks that.

If the millennials and younger would get out and vote, the baby boomers wouldn’t be so powerful.

We don’t have many hot days, but when we do, our library is the coolest place to go. Federal Way, WA

#100 or whatever. Haven’t seen the show, but have seen them filming it in my neighborhood. Can bring Keto brownies and warm spicy nuts.

Yes, I think all the dresses are unflattering actually. And don’t they have people who can teach them how to stand properly?

I would give 5 years off my life to see this. 10 for Meghan and Harry to walk past him in the hall and not even acknowledge him,

The term for women is bitch.

In British English, “landlord” can also mean person who runs a pub.

Now playing

Here’s boring whitebread Eddie. Also frequently seen around West Seattle at his daughter’s soccer practices and swimming lessons. And he wrote the lyrics to Black, Betterman and Wishlist. Enough Said.

The fact that you are raising children is scary.

I get your point, but in Portman’s case 18 was starring in movies and going to Harvard, so I think she has always had a plan for the next 12 hours. Doesn’t make Moby any less skeevy.

I have never even heard a whisper than EV dumped his wife, lots of hints to the contrary.

Not even your personal experience. I’m sure your kid is adorable, but we’re to take their account as a credible review of a nationwide initiative

He’s known for his working class background and Essex accent. His original show was young and loud and a contrast to the serious, posh cooking shows like Mary Berry’s.

For that money, I’d go to Portage Bay Cafe and get the crab bene.

Citation needed.

This seems odd to me in San Francisco. Lots of Californians don’t drink at all for general health reasons, in training for an athletic event, watching their calories etc.