
My armor is a chenille housecoat and giving zero fucks.

That last line was gratuitous.

I feel like there was an episode of Friends about this.

This should not be necessary if you can maintain a basic bookkeeping system (which, c’mon, you really should.)

I thought that same thing about his parents generation and yet here we are.

Okay he definitely deserves to be fired for being disgusting. Also for sounding like some stoned college kid : “Right, and Seattle is expensive AF. It’s basically NY without being able to live in NY”

What’s your point? That you didn’t understand I was referring to the fact public schools don’t charge the students? Or perhaps you thought it necessary to remind us that there is a cost for running schools and it’s funded by taxes?

My point is that in the US, tax dollars fund nationwide social programs already despite our population size and diversity. Why wouldn’t it be possible to establish national healthcare coverage as well?

More Cat Stevens covers by Eddie Vedder.

I keep saying that too! Why haven’t the dems blasted that info out?

And yet we somehow mange to have free public schools in all fifty states.

Good point. It’s 6.2% for SS and 1.45% for Medicare.

And ketchup, BBQ sauce, jarred pasta sauce, salad dressing, flavored instant oatmeal, salads with glazed nuts or cranberries....

Do you deliver?

Well as long as you’ve got your priorities straight. I, myself, DO care what people do, how they treat people, their character. Don’t much care what they wear unless they’re sporting a symbol of bigotry. I wonder....do you object people wearing scrubs in public other than  their workplace?

How hard is it to allow other people to wear sweatpants in public?

The Royals don’t like Buckingham Palace and it’s falling apart. I think it would take Windsor to buy them off. Or maybe they could make do with Balmoral and Sandringham which the Queen owns personally already.

I get your point, but with Kate it wasn’t three days after giving birth it was just hours.

Is that really remarkable? At first I thought you meant JUST t-shirts....no pants. That would be very casual, but out here on the West Coast, shorts, t-shirts and flips flops aren’t unusual for the office.