Your friends don’t need to communicate more clearly, you need to stop making that assumption. It’s ridiculous.
Your friends don’t need to communicate more clearly, you need to stop making that assumption. It’s ridiculous.
I would be understanding if they had to miss the party because they can’t afford a sitter.
No, they’re really not.
Her weight?! All of 32 oz of it?
Orange Blossom, as I recall.
Do they have girls @ Eton now?
Haven’t heard that story. More details?
Oh yeah, I wasn’t defending our nationwide (lack of) healthcare system. I recognize that I’m fortunate to be satisfied with my situation. I read your message as a general assumption that people not covered by employers insurance are poorer, dumber and too overworked to research insurance options. Also, I like to push…
Wow, are you super young or something? Hope you never get meningitis or MS or cancer or slip and take a bad fall on some ice. Might change your perspective a bit.
Employers with fewer than 50 full-time (30+ hrs/wk) employees are not required to offer health insurance and many don’t. So many working people do not have access to health insurance through their employer. And, of course, millions of people are self-employed.
Woah. MANY people who make good money and/or have an advanced education don’t have insurance through an employer. I’m self-employed in Washington State. I’m very happy with the cost and coverage of my marketplace policy (even though at 54, I’m an old, as you kids say.)
Members of Congress don’t worry about it. They have a premium insurance plan paid by taxpayers.
And cats....and goats.....maybe a couple mini-horses....sorry, got lost in a daydream there.
I haven’t eaten there because of the anti-LGBTQ stance, and also because I’d never come across one of their restaurants. One just opening in my town. So I checked out the menu online (just for a friend, of course.) Have you seen the sodium counts on that shit?!
I take your point. Do you get mine? There were arbitrary barriers to employment if you weren’t white and male. I was born in ‘64, usually cited as the last year of the baby boom. My life experience is more Gen X. In my opinion, some aspects of education, employment, financial and social mobility are more difficult…
Not so fun fact: Being a young man of draft age during the Vietnam War was not easy.
Not always true Chief
Actually I think Grandma should charge $50/ hr to babysit the sprogs.
Sounds like a whole meal to me.