
Yeah, but Harry & Meagan haven’t been living with Grandma, they’ve living on the grounds* of Kensington Palace near Wills & Kate & their (cute) sprogs. My understanding is the Queen spends much of her time at Windsor (where they are moving), summers in Balmoral, Christmas at Sandringham, and work weeks at Buckingham

I love it too! I’ll never forget a surprise show Pearl Jam did there in 1993. We were packed in so tightly at the front rail. I was the last woman in remaining in the pit (and I’m 5'3"). My arms were pinned at my sides, so a bouncer poured water into mouth to revive me, then pulled me out under the rail.

I’m not a climate change denier at all, however.........This is strangely worded argument to me. California has had wild fires every year in recorded history. It’s a big place. That is normal. Last week there were multiple, enormous fires in CA with tragic consequences. It was the size and amount of destruction that

I’ve decided on the entirely forever alone option. Working out so far.

I know that Burger King. Wonder why they didn’t drive through.

Sean Lennon only D List? Nah, that’s some high quality celeb there, if only for his parents and the people he knows. My favorite story is how David Bowie would come spring him from his boarding school in Switzerland and take him around museums.

Great story! Was that at the Catalyst?

Incredible, what year was that? Was there any staff in the house?

Yeah, giant and pixelated orange as well. You’re lucky Neil was nice about it.

Who was her boyfriend? (I know the triangle music scene from that era)

My encounter was a long time ago, not entirely random, but here it goes....

54 and getting bluer by the minute!

That’s not actually true according to this info compiled by a vet:

Bob, go fuck yourself.

That is the most wonderful story I’ve read on this site (for a decade). Has me in tears. Enjoy all the comforts her money afforts you. Cheers to you and your GranFanda.

I found Big Macs are better somehow in Europe.

Several of them seem like British English only to me: Drink-driving, self-catering, fry-up.

I’m from San Diego. They don’t have seasons. My mom refers to their morning fog as “bad weather.”

Whenever I think of La Jolla, I remember the time I bumped into Theodor Suess Geisel, and got frozen yogurt on his hand. While I was stammering out an apology, he licked it with a flourish, said “Yum, I love peach!” and gave me a big wink.

Goodwill..make someone happy.