
Spoiler alert: the nominee is not going to give a straight answer on Roe and that’s going to be good enough for her.

I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone when I read the various negative reactions to this film. Like, I genuinely do not understand how we saw the same film

A guy who has an ocular impairment that makes him see Trump as some sort of Adonis.

I....I don’t even understand the Thanksgiving one

I swear, Americans think anything located in Europe is “quaint”, even if it was built last year. Going to go to the US and talk about how charming and colonial all the highway on-ramps are.

I’d grab as many people from the party as I could, go to the next council meeting, sign up to comment, wait my turn, read the letter out loud and formally respond to it by having everyone laugh at the whole council for a solid 10-15 seconds.

The best part about the Nancy revival is that it’s not really a revival (the strip was still a daily when James took over from Gilchrist) but it still FEELS like one. Gilchrist never really got Nancy and turned the strip into an excuse to draw bad pinups and air weird baby boomer grievances about the dang kids and

It started in the 1990's with Gingrich.  They were dedicated to stopping Clinton at all costs.


Regardless of politics he will be just shy of his 79th birthday on inauguration day 2021. Can we please be done with these ancient white men?

It’s never the men’s responsibility not to suck, it’s always our fault and our problem to fix :-/

To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.

Fucking Susan Sarandon and everyone who agreed with her that Hillary was just too “terrible” to vote for and maybe Trump winning would be a “good thing” in the end can die in a goddamn fire.

There must never be a redemption arc for the GOP. Destroy them utterly. Leave them so completely neutered and destitute that they’re never able to rebuild the tatters of their garbage fucking party.

Between this and the Muslim Ban being upheld I’m on the verge of losing it. Fuck Mitch McConnell for stealing Obama’s last SCOTUS seat and fuck literally everyone who voted for the fascist in the Oval Office.

Obama didn't put children in cages. Period. Obama didn't threaten to eliminate due process. Period. 

I’m surprised he acknowledged it happened. I guess he had to get ahead of the story, lest his supporters start to question his trade war expertise. 

I like how the dinosaur looks mildly distressed. Like “Hey, um, hey excuse me, I AM standing here...”

All these straight white men with their hard-ons for disruption can go eat a bag of dicks.