Yellow Beaver

Yeah, can we stop taking a dump on GOP politicians who are speaking up now? It’s a little two-faced to have been complaining for months about “when are these guys finally going to speak up?” only to now criticize them when they’re actually speaking up. There’s a time for criticizing their policies and I don’t think

I actually called my representative (who unfortunately was not one of the three who introduced this resolution) to ask them to consider censuring Trump. A couple of hours later and I have a big smile on my face to see that someone else shares my line of thinking.

Roger Taney was perhaps the most influential Chief Justice of the Supreme Court aside from John Marshall. As you said, his best known decision was the awful Dredd Scott decision. On that note, I’m curious as to whether there are monuments to the Chief Justices who presided over Plessy v. Ferguson or Korematsu and if

“But not all those people were neo-Nazis, they were not all white supremacists.”

I fucking love that they tore this shit down Saddam Hussein-style. It’s a much more powerful message than if it was quietly removed in the middle of the night.

Actually, as good as Ray Guy was, that was still a stupid pick for the first round.

[He’s] a great kid, but the magnitude of that position, and the pressure on a 21-year-old—his performance is affecting the lives of men who have families to support.

NBC News also referenced the Gardendale Board of Education’s website, which explains the push to secede by claiming that “local control over the city’s schools will give the community a sense of pride and ownership.”

So both sides are in agreement as to what this really is, right?

Part of Secretary DeVos’ initiative for students to protect themselves from potential grizzlies.

Tillerson is legitimately one of the most competent individuals in the administration. The fact that he’s able to do anything while working with a skeleton crew as a staff is actually pretty remarkable.

They’re way ahead of you!

It’s even funnier because Trump actually lost New Hampshire.

“In the latest election, I won with a large percentage of Hispanic voters. I do not know if you heard, but with Cuba, I had 84 percent, with the Cuban-American vote.”

Uh, Trump did far worse with Cuban-Americans than any Republican nominee in recent memory. He won them, but by nothing near 84 percent. Try closer to

Hopefully your life is nothing like Oedipus the King.

I’m so ready for President Harden.

Jeff Flake, today: “Republicans need to stand up for institutions and prerogatives ... that have served us well for more than two centuries.”

Jeff Flake, during the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch: “Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or one hundred duck-sized horses?”

The mills of God grind slowly; yet they grind exceeding small.

Are you seriously equating eating meat with purposefully electrocuting dogs and having them kill each other for your own sick pleasure?

I have watched this video like 20 times now because the body language for everyone in the chamber is so amazing.

He looks like he was turned down for a bit role in Godfather Part III and turned to selling used Pintos instead.