Not to sound like an ad, but a coworker got me into ordering litter online from Chewy. They bring it right to your door, and if delivery tears the bag, they are quick to make it right. Order enough, and shipping is free. I have not lugged litter to my car in months, and it rules.
I’ll say this; he sure as hell represents the people who voted for him.
What bullshit Every straight dude is not whatever bullshit stereotype you assign to us. I love shipping. My Dr love shipping. NERDS LIKE TO SHIP.
Think of it like this- Mainstream culture will provides 100x more male/female pairings than same-sex pairings. People who want to see different-sex relationships? Don’t have to create or do anything, because next week new movies and novels and episodes will be released to meet that need.
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?
If it’s an effective way to make our tax system progressive, yes. And it is.
And the “already taxed” concept never made sense to me: everything has already been taxed. Your taxable income? It’s what’s left after you & your company both pay payroll taxes. before that? it’s whay’s left in the company till after sales tax.
Didn’t even know there was such a show here in kotaku. Also could this be made into a podcast? I listen to splitscreen faithfully and I’d love another cast to listen to
Roll-Cage Bastion
Ha and here I was thinking “These are cool. The Zarya one is super weird.”
Trash talk is a major component of why I avoid competitive and multiplayer games. Probably because I’m not very good at a lot of them, but that really shouldn’t matter - your trash talking makes a lot of people not want to play with you, and that is not a good thing. It’s hard enough when you feel like every match is…
This is neither the time nor place for that kind of victim blaming. (There is no time or place for victim blaming, btw). Also, teenagers are not good at making decisions....especially when emotions are involved. I know I made stupid dating decisions when I was 17. So I guess what I’m saying
Agreed. But it feels rare to even get justice in cases involving the murder of trans victims, so I’ll take what I can.
RIP Mercedes. I’m glad that you got justice. You deserved better.
Actually: If you need a check list to determine if you should be trash talking, the answer is always “no you should not”.
Trash talking strangers online is bad
Let’s please not use millennials as some derogatory slang. Most are well adjusted and fully capable of taking their place in the world.
If you are a follower of Today’s Political Discourse, you probably already know who the headline is referring to:…