
Last week's got to well over 1,000. I watched the 11:30-1:00 airing because I can't start by 10, and what amazed me even more was that when I got here at 1 a.m., there were already close to 200!

We have mentioned it. But there's no way to be in this conversation if we wait until we've read all the comments before commenting. I've tried! It's too much thinking, not enough being.

It's funny, with the references what bothers me is when I don't get them. I read about them here (of course .. I think discussing this show is pretty much equal in enjoyment to watching it) and think, "Damn it! They pulled one over on me." Which is easy to do because I've only seen 5 or 6 of the films — unless you

Agreed. Telling people to smile is just plain obnoxious.I am female closing in on 50, and only ever have men done it.(It's been a while, guess there's some advantages to getting old.) I think maybe it comes across as more invasive and condescending when it is male to female and maybe more flirty when it's female to

Exactly. The two week wait for this one plus all the ads for "fall season finales" made me realize we're almost to the bleakness that is the holiday season. And this year I have so much to catch up on and/or start that I don't even mind.

I just started season one of Review this week. I've watched the first three, maybe four. It's addictive and powerful stuff … glad to hear that it keeps building.

I've been so worried that they are going the alcohol problem route, and so fervently hope that they do not, I believe I was missing the important question here. The focus on her drinking and its evolution is definitely there, and too often to be accidental. So what we have to ask is: why? What point are they making

I believe it's been said before, but I must repeat that this show really does pair excellently with You're the Worst on Wednesday nights. I had to pause this one with 10 minutes left in order to watch You're the Worst at the 11:34 repeat last night, and even sandwiched, it worked really well. (And allows me to give

Agreed. But Louie's also never had a character buy a gun and then leave it sitting out in the open in a home with (a) a severely depressed individual and (b) one with noted PTSD. It's either a one-off that's going to be forgotten, which would make me disappointed with the writing, or it will come up again.

The gun made me very, very nervous too.

The only show equal to this one right now is Fargo. It seems crazy to say it, but as a fan of both I stand by the opinion.

I would happily watch this episode many times over just to see his sister push that woman into the grocery store display over and over again.

Oh man I hope not. But Eli' s knowing smile there at the end has to mean something. I'm really stuck on figuring that one out. An addiction storyline would fit the internal direction they've taken with Alicia but I just dread the very idea.

I know. Why would she even want to work there??

Way too old to be in a family portrait!

I was so afraid they were going to start going at it. She was just rejected and hurt by the other guy and the weird vibe with Wes.

Annalise gave us the answer when Asher asked: Does it really matter? Of course not. I think here we have to just suspend disbelief and move on. For the record, I don't think it was Bonnie.

He might. But if he keeps acting like this, we won't care by then!

At the beginning of the body dumping sequence, I was sure it was going to be Frank carrying out some sort of mob business deal.

Agreed. He witnessed it and did nothing is what I think. Which makes him not even close to the most morally challenged character on the show . . . Hey, at least he's not a murder, right? (Yet.)