
I think he was an abuser. If she hadn't been trans, he would have found some other way to control her and used some other vulnerability to tell her no one else would love her. And I think the show also was saying this very thing. Look at the immediate parallel to Sam and his cruel mind games with Annalise.

It won't let me edit and autocorrect was super stubborn about letting me type Mikala!

Exactly. Are any of them actually allowed to keep a significant other? Unless they're dating one of Annnalis's employees, I mean. They all get murdered or jailed. Animal's fiancee got off easy!

It can be two things!

It does, doesn't it? Of all the embarrassing sleepover moments, being Mouse Boy is pretty damn awful.

Her writing down notes was one of the best parts.

Loved it. One of our most used quotes irl. Then they went and ruined the quote-win with Papa Pope 's Nero reference!

Fitz is in his second term, right? Mellie running for President next keeps the show ..and the marriaige … going for another "8" years.