
Yeah. That word gives me chills.

Ooh I (partially) disagree with you there. Times Square is now a tourist hell-on-Earth but . . . Rudy took a lot of crime and drugs off the streets. Times Square was a lot shadier before he was Mayor. Now, at least I can choose to avoid Times Square for other reasons besides fear of being shot.

“Bae” is the Danish word for “poop”.

I don’t know, though. he looks pretty quick in the video of him taking that molester down.

It’s only slightly related but I just had a flashback of Denzel in Man on Fire. Such a good movie.(Not that he disguised himself but, I don’t know, the protection of a child reminded me, I suppose.)

I felt the same way!! Took me a few watches back then to realize it was a wig. I love her hair sooooooo much in that movie. (Sandra Bullock’s too, actually. Though hers was real haha.)

I think the OP might have meant “regular” as in consistent? But I could be wrong.

I just like to make a wish at 11:11 or 1:11.

I thought 1 was the loneliest number.

Well, that is good to know. I hadn’t realized he was actually charged. (Excuse my skim of the article!)

I’m sure they will be married within the next three months.

I always thought she looked best in Days of Thunder. But I am partial to people with naturally curly hair (and red) keeping it so. Love her wig in Practical Magic. Gorgeous.

Except, really, what is the likelihood that he will be convicted of anything? I hate to be a cynic, but I just don’t see it happening, sadly.

If only that were true.

Did you just describe Ann Coulter or the Donald?

Thank you a thousand times over. I hadn’t seen the roast and these were some real gems.

Absolutely agree. I did flag. Don’t know if anything will come of it.

I got your back.

OMG yes hahaha. That explains everything.

Don’t feed the trolls!