"Actually, right now, we are readying a new role-playing game for home consoles that isn't a remake," Matsuda is quoted as saying. "In December, we'll start with making an announcement."
"Actually, right now, we are readying a new role-playing game for home consoles that isn't a remake," Matsuda is quoted as saying. "In December, we'll start with making an announcement."
You got Fred Durst that shit . Durst roll every day all day.
I hate it when DLC breaks my 100% achievement completion on my xbox360 thankfully on trueachievements.com they don't do that.
I love dead space 1 and 2 and I like dead space 3. Its not as bad as everyone thinks it is. Dead Space was never survival horror its action horror so its all about killing and with jump scares and really spooky scenes and things(like twinkle twinkle little star)
Does this mean China won't make bootleg versions of xbox1 console and pirate video games??
final fantasy XIII-2 wasn't linear that was final fantasy XIII
I liked Riley from COD:ghosts he was awesome I just wish we could play as him for more than small level.
so the sonic boom games set up the cartoon right or is the other way around? I can't tell because sega never told us.
I liked final fantasy XIII I understood from storyline why their no shops/towns you bought all your stuff from a save station(you're a cursed l'cie) but the narrow corridor thing was dumb. I think the worst thing is convoluted upgrade system for weapons and armor and huge grind for gil and resources. That IMO made not…
This game looks awesome. The gameplay looks awesome and I can't wait to play it. I don't care about if this gameplay is different from traditional ff gameplay.
I still think DMC3 is the best DMC game. DmC:devil may cry is really good game. DMC4 has good gameplay but the storyline adds nothing to main story line and Dante in that game is all over the place compared to DMC1 and DMC3 Dante. The worst DMC game is DMC2 the only good thing about that game is Dante riding into hell…
You can find tons of Lucarion porn
I wish Indian would make a live action version of attack on titan with dance scenes. Or make a Indian version of attack of titan anime
OMG watching this made super excited I wish I could be in the car as he drifts. I love initial d anime and euro beat.
girls these days are learning about sex and pregnancy and rape at much earlier age now and about how young boys try to play them like a fool.
xbox does have gears of war which made it into a dudebro box. But over years Xbox has many great titles like dust an Elysian tail. One of the best games on Xbox 360 and it has furry characters which appeals to young children and women.
well sprite art like this looks nice but one really uses it any more and anytime some does use sprite art its more like a NES games like in "indie" games on steam,ps4 and xbox1.
Anytime you see megaman its always the NES version even though X from megamanX is a way better megaman.
the white xbox1 looks nice I just wish it was bit more slimer.