Looks awesome I'm excited for both games. I've played all the AC games except for bloodlines,revelations and liberations. Blackflag was awesome I love it more than ACIII. Rogue and Unity look awesome and very interesting settings.
Looks awesome I'm excited for both games. I've played all the AC games except for bloodlines,revelations and liberations. Blackflag was awesome I love it more than ACIII. Rogue and Unity look awesome and very interesting settings.
wow it's been a long time since I've seen any machinima besides RvB. Even rarer GTA machinima. I thought it was pretty good
You got batman,witcher 3 and now evolved for February. During the spring 2015 hardline could be coming out of maybe during the summer? Shadows of Mordor bumped up into September and it looks like October has gotten little lighter on all gamer's wallets this fall.
dude I hope they have all the digimons from season 1-4 in this game to play as Duskmon would be awesome.
Mewtwo was my favorite
He killed folks who watched anime and went to furry cons and wrote fanfics. Sounds like really pissed off person who hates anime nerds and furries and sees them both as filth.
shouldn't Squall have a lion Pokemon instead of a dog pokemon??
shouldn't Zell get a pokemon that knows karate like him?
I agree with you. Enough with the furry hate. We're not all sexual deviants all time........just sometimes
I fucking love dust: an elysian tail so much went i bought last year for half off. That game is amazing I love it to death. The main character dust and fidget are awesome characters. Quite a few emotional moments in this game and the final boss is a blast to fight. Once you've beaten the game I'll love to hear more of…
yeah thanks. I've seen Guin saga its awesome.
Houston Rockets every day all day baby.
Stop talking about street sharks-Pat from two best friends play
What? That's Sun Jian from Dynasty Warriors series he looks nothing like Bam Margera
what?? That's Sun Jian he looks nothing like Bam Margera
what is the name of that anime with Jaguar/Leopard character in it?
The two dlcs were reviver and resurrection. They explain how Gabriel becomes a vampire
is there a mod where you play as the college mascots?? I wanna play as Shasta from the University of Houston mascot. Go Coogs!!
I don't know much about star wars but these helmets do look awesome.
Sly cooper is wearing pants? He didn't wear pants in video games. I think sly and Bentley look good but Murray looks a little too ugly. Love the humor in this trailer. I just wish the original voice cast for Sly,Bentley and Murray was doing the voices. I think they changed a plot a bit with Clockwerk being a evil…