No Indian/Pakistani rupee? What about currency from Africa or the Middle east?
wow this is awesome news. I can't wait to DL this demo. I liked final fantasy XIII and I love final fantasy XIII-2.
the payday/duck tales cross looks so badass.
Usagi Yojimbo is one my favorite comic characters. I wish I could buy all Usagi Yojimbo comic books.
Game Name: Shadow of Destiny
I love resident evil outbreak 1 and 2 they were my favorite RE games. Kevin,George and David were my characters. RE outbreak:file 2 was the first RE game were you move and shoot at the same time. I wish capcom would remake these two games for the ps3/360 new HD graphics and same controls and voice chat.
well I hope JRPG fans on the ps3 pre-order this game in huge numbers. So Namco Bandi can keep making these games. JRPGs need a lot support on ps3/xbox 360 and if they come out ps4/xbox1 they'll need even more support. This best form of feedback for these companies are customer's reviews and spread of word of mouth…
really MS just started 20 MS point survey that helped me buy a few avatar items and now they scrapping it WTF M$!!!
I was the gamestop nerd kid who would spend way too much time at gamestops looking for good deal on a game to chat up the employee about videogames. I also try to work there since I was in high school no luck for me for that job or any job really. It really sucks because I also get bitched at by my dad for not having…
"sounds gay whats the point if you dont bust"
same here I don't care about Eternal Darkness. I want a Too Human 2. I just 1000/1000 that game for my xbox360 today. They need to bring back Crispin Freeman as Baldur and they use Crytek engine. Dennis Dyack promised he'll finish the too human trilogy.
My favorite final fantasy games are VII,VIII are tied then comes X,IX,XII and then XIII
well I hope Spec Ops sells well
that game looks cool with the crocodile. I can imagine a kids tv based off it. I wish Iran would make that instead of propaganda games
I would love to get another game like heavy rain because heavy rain was awesome and every emotional. I was hooked
what about killing sprees in mutl-player games don't they count like halo or blackops?
why only on the AT&T network??
just watch this video