Emran Huq

Where is Varys?

Unless you're General Tsubudai and leading a Mongol army….

OB is essentially a 3-season worth of story stretched over 5 seasons; it is an example of high-concept-but-generally-mediocre-to-poor-execution (the 1st season being also the peak).

In the book, and the first movie of the trilogy, Virgil Solozzo as well as all the other Dons at the Don's gathering referred to him as Don Corleone.

Was Vito Corleone not always called "Don Corleone"?

Is Chuck's condition not well known in the NM legal circle?I remember in S1 when Sandpaper lawyers visited Chuck's house, they knew about it, and removed their electronic devices before entering. In S2, people on the banking commission hearing were also aware of his issue. As Jimmy said, Chuck had mentored half of NM

"It tasted as sweet as Mata Hari's armpits."

"It’s duty far more than luxury that defines the royal family."

Quinlan is the Daryl Dixon of this show!

The Mongols under General Tsubodai conducted perhaps the only successful Winter invasion of Russia. It's a pity that military historians don't recognize the brilliant genius of Tsubodai!

Indeed! It was the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78.

Point taken! Large-scale conversion to Islam worked better in some parts of the territories conquered by Muslims than in others. Where conquering Muslims had encountered well-entrenched local powers, they had been forced to compromise, which happened in the Indian subcontinent. By the time the Ottomans had conquered

I once met a Greek couple who never knew that Greece had been part of the Ottoman empire for three centuries (and also the first Ottoman province to be independent)! Apparently it was not taught in their high school history class!

Would it be that certain? After all, most of the Balkans were under Ottoman rule for 300+ years. What are the percentages of Muslims in the individual Balkan countries today?

Stone is the gritty version of Jimmy McGill…they know how the street works!

I hope it does not follow the British show too closely; otherwise, we're in for an entirely pointless (and somewhat predictable sub-plot) and a damp fart-of an ending.

Without spoiling anything, I hope the end of this show does not end up being the damp squib that the original British show was.

After S6, the Greyjoys, the Tyrells and the Martells are Dany's allies; the Boltons (entirely) and the Freys (practically) are finished; the Starks are in charge of the North once again, and they hate the Lannisters; the Tullys under Edmure are useless. Which means, the only important "ally" the Lannisters have left

Is the first season going to be the only season? It's hard to see how the story can go forward short of repeating itself.

The TWD storyline itself has become repetitive: Rick & Co. settle down somewhere —> A new threat comes along —> The group splinters —> The group re-unites —> Threat is neutralized/eliminated — The group moves to a new place. Rinse, repeat! Does anybody know what exactly is the endgame for the TWD, and/or how long the