Emran Huq

Did Marwan commit suicide, or was he pushed? He fell on his back on the pavement, with his face looking up. If he had jumped out the window, he most likely would have fallen on his stomach, with his face down. He did not look like somebody who could rotate his body mid-air.

"It was also nice to see a competent therapist on TV for a change."

I wonder how much Showtime had to pay AMC to use the copyrighted (I hope) title!

So next season we expect to see more of Tyrion the politician of season 2, with probably Varys on his side as the spymaster! Also, Arya would make the worst assassin ever!

Perhaps there's another thing that can kill white walkers, and it's not been tested yet: dragonfire. And only one person has dragons!

I was waiting for a Mickey Doyle snicker!

And knowing that the British law was going to come after them, Bates and Anna migrated to California and got into the hospitality business. They opened a motel, and named it "Bates Motel". They had a son, who was called Norman.

Perhaps I'm overanalyzing, but does anybody else think that Lena Dunham and Melanie Lynskey look similar enough to be sisters?

There's another way to look at it. By bringing Dar Adal at the penultimate episode of the season, and somehow by keeping Haqqani alive, the show can continue the same Pakistan/ISI/Taliban storyline e into the next season without having to re-reboot the series. At least, that's my theory…which will be answered next

State Department is actually the largest front organization for the CIA. This is not even unique for the CIA; every embassy everywhere in the world houses an intelligence wing (which usually is called something else). Of course, governments deny the existence of spies within embassies, because (i) spying is illegal,

If Saul had died along with Haqqani in a drone attack, what would that have meant for Saul's public reputation: that the ex-director of CIA was in league with a wanted terrorist leader? Nobody would've known that he had been kidnapped. Perhaps that's one of the things that Quinn had considered.

Showtime shows tend to follow a curious pattern: A strong first season, decent (if uneven) second season, and an unhinged third season. Cases in point: The Borgias, Homeland, Masters of Sex (which, admittedly, is only 2 seasons old).

Perhaps it's because he was not wearing any wig here…just sayin'! ;)

Are the writers of "Homeland" really stealing from John le Carre? If they are, then they are not doing a particularly good job. None of the spies in the Smiley novels has bipolar disorder, which is also usually the case in real life. Also, in TTSS, Smiley caught Haydon by pretty much following the paper trail. I don't

You're forgetting the budget Christoph Waltz (aka Richard Sammel). If the show had just been about Setrakian and Eichorst, it'd have been awesome!

Much of the Book 1 (especially the descriptions of occultation and vampire physiology) read like they had been copied directly from wikipedia.

I'm glad that Nora's mom is dead already. She was such a dead weight in the books.

Perhaps I should've used a sarcasm font….

I'm not saying Diane Kruger is a bad actress, but I think she's a much better actress in her native language. Just watch her in "Inglourious Basterds".

" I would think a man dealing with latent guilt about hiding his
brother's first crimes wouldn't need weeks of a sexual relationship with a victim's sister…."