
Language changes constantly and it belongs to all of us to use or misuse however we like.

That’s informally known as the Getty method: Take someone else’s content and then go after them with it.

You’re likely better off just starting with the period method instead of a plus. It seems to be incredibly common for sites to block email addresses with plus symbols in them as invalid. Sometimes it’s even worse where they’ll let you sign up with one but then say it’s invalid when you attempt to login again later.

You may also want to avoid self-checkout whenever possible. Many of the machines get confused by certain coupons, especially manufacturer. Even if it does understand them all, there are times where the machine won’t stack even if a cashier would have.

You must not have watched the part at 0:0:32 in the video above.

I think it makes sense for a kid. They typically care less about the setup process and only about jumping in and playing. Plus, on holidays, the servers get overwhelmed to the point where an update that should take a few minutes can take ages to download due to demand. Add in the excitement of the kid wanting to play

That Spider-Man image triggers my minor case of casadastraphobia.

Christmas Day will be the one year anniversary of my father-in-law (60) dying from brain cancer, only two years after my own father (55) passed away from the exact same thing. It’s going to be tough. The best I can do is remind my wife & in-laws about how much he loved life, made the most of every day and would want

Techdirt has upwards of 7 articles tracking this situation and the most I’ve seen is “bogus theft reports” by employees. I don’t know if they’re intentional, a software issue, or a problem with the return process where employees aren’t acknowledging the vehicles come back. Regardless, Hertz’ outsourcing of the cases

How’s the monetization? With the higher sticker price, it should be a single purchase buy-in but something tells me that’s not enough to quench their monetary thirst.

A big part of the reason I have 16 games installed on my computer and laid out in my gaming speed-dial of a start menu is so that whenever I’m tempted by something I come across online, all I have to do is hit the Windows key to see an overwhelming number of gaming hours in front of me just a click away. It makes

The default autoplay stopper on Firefox fails in numerous scenarios where designated extensions succeed for me, including on G/O Media sites.

In addition to the above, ones I’d recommend are:

uBlock Origin is on the list to replace AdBlock Plus because a while back ABP started accepting payment to exempt ads from getting blocked. A good chunk of the masses have switched to uBP.

On the other hand, if they’re of the age where they echo you to intentionally drive you crazy, simply state: “(Your-Name) can have all my toys.” Then, when they say it, go start collecting their things. They’ll likely stop echoing you after that.

If you’re using a docker container such as qbittorrentvpn, it can make it so the docker doesn’t even load unless the vpn connects successfully. It’s 1) another great way to bind the two and 2) a great way to keep the vpn exclusive to the torrent client in case you want to remotely access stuff without worrying about

For those curious, the current price I’m seeing on Steam for ALL of the DLC for The Sims 4 is $641.42.

On all platforms? It was bragged about how much effort they put into the PC port and I commented then that it was probably for naught if they were just going to drown it in Denuvo malware, which they did.

Still upset OnRush never got the PC port originally promised.

GameStop (and probably every other retailer in existence) pulls this crap. Back in the day, they’d offer $65 for Console X. They’d then drop it to $50 but start a weekend promotion where you get “50% extra” of $75. The promotion ends and the new dropped trade value kicks in.