
Not deleted. I made it blank. I’ve been a member on this site for a long time and there are ages-old posts I’m no longer thrilled about but can do nothing to remove. I don’t want to create a new account since it seems to take forever (if ever) to get out of the grays, especially in a broken Kinja where it’s difficult

The List Slides button is where I grab the list from that I post. I do it anyway for a few reasons, 1) not everyone knows about it, 2) it requires a second page load and additional click to open it, 3) having it in the comments has the bonus of also showing the rest of the comments, 4) narrowing the browser does work

I’m not a bot. I’ve been a member for well over a decade. I visit the site multiple times throughout the day which is why I’m able to catch so many of the slideshows. Opening my top bookmarks has become an absent-minded habit of mine, even sometimes when I have those bookmarks already open in front of me.

The List Slides button requires leaving to another page and then clicking the button. Comment lists only require a single click on the same page the visitor is already on and, as a bonus, allows them to see the comments at the same time. They can then decide if it’s worth clicking through the slideshow for added

Ars Technica recently did a big 2-piece deep dive into digital security, what you can realistically expect, and what will and won’t realistically help you. Definitely worth checking out if you’re into that sort of thing. I’d link it if Kinja wasn’t a giant pile of broken garbage. Just search Ars for Securing Your

“I don’t mean to be racist/sexist/whatever-ist but...” or something along those lines.

Yeah, don’t be a (second) player hater.

I believe they asked how it runs on last-gen, as opposed to whether it’s available.

Great place for helium balloons. Who needs to spend $5+ elsewhere when you can get big Happy Birthday/Graduation/Whatever for $1...

This is what came to mind for me as well. I don’t know if I missed the one with Tug o’ War as a kid or what but every time I hear the topic of joysticks & Mario Party come up, my mind goes to that rowing mini game.

PS: I think Shallow Hal would’ve been a solid entry no this list. Opinion of the movie itself aside, I cannot see that storyline going over well today.

Maybe he’ll make a joke about how it’s okay to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas or that it’s no big deal Starbucks’ holiday cup is solid red and not overwhelmingly Christmas-y. That’ll set them off pretty bad.

It would’ve been much more accurate to use the word Pixel instead of Phone in the headline, but yeah, not as many clicks.....