Something two hours ago reminded me of ‘not that there’s anything wrong with that’ and I just looked up and watched the clip on YouTube. Minutes later you posted this with that headline. Funny.
Something two hours ago reminded me of ‘not that there’s anything wrong with that’ and I just looked up and watched the clip on YouTube. Minutes later you posted this with that headline. Funny.
The same goes for me with loose/lose and (c/sh/w)ould of/(c/sh/w)ould’ve.
Remember though, according to Lifehacker’s Rules of Grammar, none of it matters as long as you can provide an example of it being used the ‘wrong’ way a long time ago. If you want to say or spell things incorrectly, stick to your guns. Grammar errors made long term grant them widespread acceptance in future…
Notice how not a single one chose those orange and black wrapped peanut butter taffy pieces of crap? Because no on likes those!
I find YouTube walking tour videos make using a treadmill much less monotonous. I personally enjoy the ones walking through amusement parks such as Disney World. The sights are interesting and the crowds offer ample people watching. Some even have random facts that come up so you can learn something while walking.
It’s not uncommon for games that have been out for a while to have their DRM removed. GOG has a DRM-free reputation so it’s not surprising when people see this game listed on it they’d think the DRM no longer applied. Even if you accept that an exception was made since it’s a portion of the game that requires it, the…
I don’t think I’ll ever see him as anything other than ‘that dude from Everwood.’
“Nintendo could announce X. Maybe we’ll hear about Y. I heard they may even bring back Z!”
As long as they make more money from exploiting the ‘whales’ than selling a good non-exploitative game to a larger audience, they’ll keep doing it. It’s about the bottom line, not popularity. They don’t care if most people see the game as crap as long as it rakes in more cash from the niche group willing to throw…
A/theism and a/gnosticism aren’t on the same plane. A/theism references belief, a/gnosticism references knowledge. For example, someone who doesn’t claim to know there is a god but believes there is one would be an ‘agnostic theist.’ If someone were to ask you if you believe in a god and you say you’re an agnostic,…
Last month LH said to ditch the boxwoods. Now you’re saying to put them in! Which is it?! Yeah, yeah. Different authors can have different opinions.