
True, and I agree, however Nintendo isn’t afraid to straight up lie about announcements. As opposed to saying “no comment” or “nothing to say at this time,” they’ll repeat ‘til they’re blue in the face they in fact have nothing on the horizon and announce something hours later.

It’s not that it takes a long time, it’s the pointlessness of it all and not wanting to heavily enable this ridiculous, visitor-unfriendly format by giving them 35 page views for a single piece that isn’t even a gallery.

“including moving the inner armrests out of the way”

Buffet vs menu ordering. Sure, you may get a more finely-taylored dish towards a specific genre if filling your entire plate with one thing is what you’re going for. Forza’s a buffet of sub-genres. I love how it’s more realistic than other arcade racers but doesn’t get too swamped with the mechanics and rigidity of

Except it isn’t. Pinching the browser forces it into single-page mode where (at my resolution) I get about the same amount per screen as the slides but I don’t have to load an entire new page for each list entry. A short flick of the mouse wheel and I go down to the next. Leagues better than loading 35 individual


I’m on board. Been a long time Wayne Brady fan. It was awesome getting to see him as Aaron Burr in Hamilton.

Reminds me of the meme where someone in 2020 asks why they’re getting fired and the company says because they wouldn’t have the money to survive. Then in 2021, the company asks why can’t they hire anyone and the person says because they wouldn’t have the money to survive and it shows the company all shocked at this

I still find it helpful to have the slides listed on the first page and will add them myself if they’re not already there. Sometimes it’s not even worth messing with the browser size depending on the content. If they’re listing 35 movies to make you cry, I likely don’t need all the context. So it’s nice to see the

Or just get the bullet-points without messing up your browser:

It’s crazy how big of an affect the slightest word change can have. When I worked at GameStop years ago, I’d always ask if the customer wanted a bag. The bags were often a pain to pull apart and a waste if the customer didn’t really care about it but just said yes because why not? So I decided to test something. I

This is so bad that multiple people I know force ‘and I’ even when it should be dead obvious it’s incorrect. “You should stop by Ryan and I’s house.” Really? Not Ryan’s and my? “Ryan and I’s” sounds right to you?... And they’re in the education system.

Their metrics rule all. It doesn’t matter how vocal people are about what they want from a social network because it’ll always be the metrics that win out. If they say people stay on the site longer with jumbled content then that’s what we get even if we say we hate it. I could likely even learn to live with it except

That darn Betteridge’s Law strikes again. I was really hoping for a yes on this one. It’s quite silly... everything social media sites do to increase engagement (forced suggested content, etc.) is precisely what pushes me away from it. I finally deleted Facebook when the more work I put into making my feed tolerable,