Pixie's got a brand new burner

I live in a city where the cross walks won’t change unless you hit the button. It’s super annoying.

Honestly, the thoughts I get tend to be “I must be iron deficient,” followed by “I feel gross for eating that”. I don’t get a nice feeling when I answer my cravings.

I think the handling of that Trump story a while back was a good look inside the sausage factory - the one that was clearly too big to pass if it was real, but they also couldn’t believe it was.

It may not have been the intent, but structurally, once you invoke a comparative, you are inherently also commenting on the perceived worth of the other party, which is what I was reacting to. And for what it’s worth, no one comments on rural Louisiana kindly either. New Orleans? Sure, that’s sexy, but rural LA gets

It was the part that said “but I guess no TV shows were filmed here so fuck us” -- that’s where it becomes a comparative.

This comment makes it seem like you resent the aid going to Louisiana. It’s not a good look. Having watched as my friends evacuated, checked in safe, grouped together to demolition significant chunks of their homes and struggle to rebuild, let me assure you, that aid will mean the world to their area.

She was even prepared for the attack that she was prepared. Which I appreciated.

It’s fun! I was married pre-tindr so I missed out on gamified dating. It’s fun to play someone else’s for a bit.

Oh, um, you might want to read my outraged response in the greys for more lulz.

See, now this infuriates me. We couldn’t find a copy of that movie for love or money in the 90s and I spent $2 every week renting it from the rental place. EVERY WEEK. My mother, who ventured into literally every video store she EVER saw to see if they had a copy (because over time, we spent hundreds renting the damn

538 is what scares me. It’s so fucking close. How is it so fucking close?

That’s exactly where my head was re: Paul. And he def cannot carry that show on his own. Excited for future unnamed BBC project with Mary, the co-hosts and, let’s say... Tamal. I’d love a program with Tamal. Who wouldn’t?

If anything, the opposite is true. Issac Newton was a sociopath who threatened to burn down his parents’ home. He was petty and spiteful to contemporaries. Basically an all around asshole (though not likely a rapist).

Counter offer for a higher price. Get payment up front. Have a ceremony in which the attendants act as ushers or something but not standing at the front. Have a sweethearts table at the reception. Have the rich sister plan and pay for bachelorette business. Name them both MOH in the program.

We got a craaaazy long alumni email about this today.

I would guess so - the religious themes don’t know up until later books. WIT focuses on language and math. I don’t see that as the heart of assholes when other fantasy is so much more accommodating to assholishness

Yes, my husband’s bestie was his roommate for at least five years. He’s cone over many times meal mostly in hand and just done whatever he needs to to finish it. Or he’ll come in and make a drink. Honestly that’s why we have the drinks he likes, so he can do that. It’s much more comfortable.

My guess is that one runs the business of being her and the other is personal.

And if you are thinking “that’s why you write your name on your towel,” I DID!! she had it wrapped and tucked where my name was.

Okay, when I was six, I 100% would have used this. Some girl at the community pool stole my My Little Mermaid towel because “I guess we have the same towel, this one’s mine”.