Emperor Tamarin

This happens every year.

Read a book, or finished a book?

At what point will this pass far enough behind us that I can say I think his hair is stupid awesome?

The whiteness you’re showing isn’t about your opinions of Kaepernick, it’s the fact that you’re talking and focusing on Kaepernick. He’s protesting real problems, and all he wants the conversation to be about is those problems, but you decide to instead focus on him and the effectiveness of his protest.

Yeah, the whole situation is crap. I think that kind of behavior shouldn’t be tolerated, but there are a ton of underlying issues (e.g. campaign finance, media bias, unlimited terms) that enable them to be shitty at their actual job. I also think the very need to campaign is a drain on both sides of the aisle; even

It should be a federal law that if you’re elected to congress and you can’t make it to at least 90% of the votes, then you forfeit your seat and any right to run in any future elections.

I clearly don’t understand where you’re coming from. Maybe if you can explain exactly how he disrespected you and the troops, I can understand your position better, because as I see it, his protest doesn’t even have the slightest thing to do with the troops.

To not take the intentions or opinion of Kaepernick into account is stubborn and self-serving. It’s fine that you’re offended, I just don’t see how you can ignore his intentions to make your argument.

Ok, your interpretation of our flag and national anthem is the only correct one. I will correct my own feelings and make them that of yours.

This isn’t about the troops. The flag is not a symbol of the troops. The national anthem isn’t a symbol of the troops. It’s a symbol for the nation as a whole, and as a whole the nation is still failing to protect all citizens’ rights.

SmartWool is for people who don’t know that Darn Tough exists.

SmartWool is for people who don’t know that Darn Tough exists.

Rugby or trampolining.

Maybe, but why would he include his three other teammates? Why is nobody asking the other teammates anything?

I have fond memories of Coco on the Sox, specifically when he charged the mound against the Rays eight (eight!) years ago.

Lacks morals? I get that you don’t want to like her, but half of the things on that list show strong moral fiber.

Always and forever

Always and forever

Your friend’s an asshole.

Meg Whitman, the Hewlett-Packard CEO