Emperor Sheev

All of the pearl-clutching and hand-wringing that you do here every week aside, I do wish the character had gotten a bit more.. dignity while going out. But Joffrey Lonmouth is an extremely minor character in the story to begin with; if anything, his role was expanded and given more depth.

I’m stoked about revisiting Vice City. The original GTA VC is my favorite GTA game, and we’ve already seen Los Santos and Liberty City multiple times. Chicago is basically a combination of the two, and Dallas is similar. Denver would be interesting, but remember, these games generally rely on an isolated map

Cringey. It’s a TV show, it’s also GoT.  People get brutally killed for all kinds of reasons.  Not everything needs to be read so far into.  I miss the old Jezebel.

But nothing branded as a GoT product is ever going to be terribly hopeful or joyful. The horrible shit that makes the world feel gross and unsafe, is the whole point. Crossing lines most other shows sand movies won’t, is the point—“good taste” be damned, America wants it medieval grim dark torture porn.

Artists do not owe the public utopian content. How boring would television and movies be if they were stripped of any and everything morally questionable.

The thinkpieces aren’t even original at this point- it’s an endless recycling of Tumblr talking points from 2010. Medieval property designed to appeal to audience x does so? Quel Suprise!

I’m actually a little surprised by the volume of hand-wringing articles from week to week across the thinkpiece-o-sphere. Save for the vaneer of social conscientiousness from the diverse casting, HoD is otherwise pretty damn on-brand for a GoT property. This show was made to capitalize and trade on the name and

I’m disappointed by the grotesque violence it felt compelled to inflict on one of the show’s first gay characters, all because some straight man was particularly insecure about his masculinity one night. It’s an almost irredeemably bleak plotline on its own, and I hope the show won’t worsen this by eventually trying

Does it also focus on the fact our “heroes” in the story were the biggest African slavers of the continent?

I believe someone once said, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”

Oh no. A person who gets paid huge amounts of money to be on television didn’t have 100% of the attention when she received a meaningless award. She’ll never recover. 

Ok, but several days later, Brunson and Abbott Elementary are still being discussed because of Kimmel’s stunt, so there’s that.

I lived in SC for three years... he’s absolutely representative of the majority of the voter base. 

He’s a senator, so gerrymandering isn't part of the equation. That also explains why he and McConnell are much more focused on suppression. 

If we take back the House and the Senate I can assure you we’ll have a vote,

I just want to remind everyone that a bunch of people (probably not a majority with gerrymandering, but still, a bunch of people) keep sending this craven little fraction of a dingus to Congress. 

Do I think Sir Cole feels victimized or wouldn’t jump right back into bed with Rhaenyra if given half a chance? Nope.

There’s also the ethically fraught” situation constituted by Rhaenyra’s sexual advances towards someone who is essentially a subordinate under her direct control, and who would not (reasonably) be able to refuse her if she were to press the point, given her power to have him dismissed (or killed) on a whim.

me seeing the fly

Honestly, thank god that happened because otherwise this dumb shit fucking pathetic excuse for a “debate” could be considered a draw. That fly is the only thing that made an obvious win.