Emperor Sheev

Rowling’s views are bigoted, ignorant and hateful but they are still opinions. And people have the right to have their own opinions.

That said, your opinions should not and will not shield you from criticism and consequences.

Rowling is recieving a lot of blowback and absolutely should get more heaped onto the pile,

A pale and rather exhausted looking Democratic nominee, pushed through the primary as the party’s favored choice mostly due to the optics of his former post”

That’s not “disappointment,” it’s “hyperbolic bullshit.”

At debates, mics need to only be on if it’s that candidates time to talk. I don’t get why this hasn’t been done (besides obviously wanting to make it seem more like a spectacle).

Hell, the way Trump just shrugged off Biden bringing up Beau to continue to attack Hunter was... I don’t even know how to describe it. It was clearly a strategy as they probably wanted to draw Biden in to attacking Trump’s children, but it was also clear that Biden campaign had prepared for that. Still, I don’t know

It was expected that he would act the way he did. The other 2 debates should just be canceled at this point since they’ll just be repeats of last night.

Please, spare us this utter BS. No one with a functioning brain watched that debate and places both candidates on an equal footing.  Trump was a sweaty, bloviating bully with a side of racist, fascist dogwhistles. Call a spade a spade. If you’re undecided at this point or voting for Trump you support white supremacy.

I think Biden did the best he could do by trying to ignore him and talking directly to the people.

How else can they prove to MAGA hats that they’re not part of the radical leftist agenda unless they both-sides everything?

Your take is decidedly different, and much more correct, than Osberg’s post just a few minutes ago.

Honestly I am just so fucking angry at posts like this. At Biden’s age I hope to be curled up by a fire, reading a book and drinking wine, while my grandkids play close by. This man is stepping up to try to save our country, after unimaginable grief, at what is likely the end of his life. I didn’t vote for him in any

Remember in 2016, when some kinja bloggers said it was cool for people to not vote if they weren’t thrilled by the candidates?

After reading the article a few times, I still don’t quite grasp what the point of it even is? I mean a lot of people feel bad things after that debate, as has become apparent, but the weird swipe at Biden was so out of nowhere. It didn’t even relate to anything that happened in the debate and for some reasons put

Seriously! What kind of garbage take was this? What the everloving fuck Jezebel? 

Bernie/Liz Warren supporter here.

Why is your instinct still to “both sides” this? Your preferred guy lost two primaries despite promising revolutions that never came, mostly because his supporters never showed up in the numbers needed. The progressive faction simply does not have the numbers. Go do the ground of increasing your numbers, increasing

WHAT is this bullshit? One of those “withered husks” is our only barrier to a straight-up fascist country that accelerates climate change and puts many of our neighbors and friends at risk of....almost anything. There is no equivalency here. Shitposting like this is harmful. 

A pale and rather exhausted looking Democratic nominee, pushed through the primary as the party’s favored choice mostly due to the optics of his former post

It’s insane. I watched nine minutes of post debate coverage on ABC News where they talked about both guys looking bad, and the messy moderation, and their energy levels and body language, and whatever the fuck Chris Christy paid consultant of the Trump campaign had to say. Nine fucking minutes before someone mentioned

killllllllllllllllll meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

“It’s hard to get a word in with this clown.”