Tremendous brain. Stable genius.
Tremendous brain. Stable genius.
“The people of Portland won’t put up with no safety any longer.”
Man, you guys are really fucked.
Space Force and Race Wars: A Look Back at the Legacy of a Failed President
The thing is Trump isn’t encouraging civil war. At least not on an ideological level. No, that would take some actual strategy, which we know he has no capability for. This is worse. He doesn’t care about any of this. His only interest is in staying in the WH. Doesn’t matter who gets hurt or killed. It only matters…
How crazy is it that Rand Paul held up the vote on the anti lynching bill and then gets accosted by and “angry mob” and acts like a scared lickle bioch. This incident shows how little respect these politician deserve. If it were a mob, his ponce ass would have been doing the Fox interview from a hospital bed.
Probably deliberate - the NYPD Police Union is absolute garbage.
Am I becoming paranoid, or is it disturbing that a police union seems comfortable throwing around “sundown” ultimatums at a time like this? Was this deliberate, or just really fucking tone deaf?
I’m so glad all of these government employees were here to protect me.
-A libertarian
Why is the Queen wearing a shirt with Kellyanne Conway on it?
McCain conveniently reinvented himself with this maverick shit AFTER getting busted in the Keating 5 S&L scandal.
John McCain was a horrible, repulsive man — a thief, a racist, and a war criminal driven almost entirely by spite who never lost his hard-on for bombing and killing poor people all over the world. He also tried to put Sarah fuckin Palin in line for the presidency. Naturally, he’s now a hero of the Resistance.
I get the gist but this absolutely needs to least on the Harris/Pence level. She gonna eat that motherfuckers breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Those fucking ‘Murica uggs are the shit icing on the incel cake.
Have infiltrated? I thought they CREATED police departments. Hm, TIL.
I know this is old news for most of us, but for those in the back:
Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis has got to go. He oversees a police department that shoots unarmed citizens in the back, has its officers handing out water to murderers and militia members out past curfew and then essentially says the victims of a gunman deserved it.