Emperor Sheev

I sometimes wonder if his support for Trump has nothing to do with Trump but his resentment towards Obama (something him and Trump have in common).... also.... EGO. I also think Kanye is trying to avoid treating his bipolar disorder bc he’s scared it will take away his “genius”, it seems like getting any real help

You mean Kimmel didn’t just giggle and tousle his hair, and then sing a duet with Justin Timberlake? It’s almost like you can be entertaining AND hold people accountable. 

no need for torture... penniless, forgotten and rotting in a jail cell would do the world a lot of good.

That last bit really drives home what Cuomo doesn’t seem to understand: that the mission of law enforcement is inherently political.

If that’s the margin of defeat then maybe we should be working to win those votes rather than shaving off republican votes in the suburbs. 

I’d refuse to call the MI (D) gubernatorial primary win a disappointment. So the woman that won is 80° left of center vs the guy that is 90° left of center. The share several common planks. Single payer is not the only thing in the world worth voting for. You can’t have everything but what she brings is pretty dam

How many of these we lost but not by as much as we thought victories are there now?

He’ll just claim it was all a case of massive voter fraud by the left.

Trump has already claimed victory on Twitter so I’d love to see that piece of shit have to eat his words (tweets).

Yesssssss. Run on something real!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Twitter (and to an extent Facebook) is a fucking plague on the modern world.

Being born privileged and knowing the right people. That’s it; that’s literally it. That’s how 85% of all these politicians made it big and stay big.

For what it’s worth, Ryan is retiring the Speakership exactly 3 years to the day he took the gavel and higher salary. The higher Speaker pension fully vests at 3 years. So for those wondering why he didn’t step down from the Speaker position in April, that’s part of the reason.

He went out of his way to scold the attorneys about facial expressions, and now he’s scolding them for not making eye contact. He sounds like an abusive father.

A good judge is like a good baseball umpire: when they are doing their job correctly, NOBODY NOTICES THEM. What a preening shit.

The judge does seem to be trying to undermine the prosecution, and it would not surprise me at all to see Manafort get off because of stupid shit like this.

it’s reassuring that you’re still pounding the Satanic Temple beat, Anna. These guys are the heroes we need in 2018.

I think I need to add high-concept legal trolling to my resume. It sounds fancy!